Last Friday a DOJ attorney told an attorney from Judicial Watch, who has been actively seeking to get to the bottom of the controversy, that there is indeed a backup system where Lois Lerner’s emails are stored, but they won’t retrieve them because they are too difficult to get.
Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton states “So everything we’ve been hearing about scratched hard drives…it’s all been a pack of malarkey. They could get these records, but they don’t want to.
And there’s no such thing as Lois Lerner’s missing emails. It’s all been a big lie. They’ve been lying to the courts, to the American people, to Congress. It’s outrageous.”
So they lied and that didn’t work, now they state that the emails are just to difficult to retrieve. Corruption at its finest.
Arrest and prosecute now!
How effin hard could it be? As hard as opening your email? Changing to a file folder. Oh, no I broke a nail clicking the mouse! May be too hard! Yeah, right!
If this was a teenager hacking into something or a suspected porn wayer
Then I guess it’s too hard to get their paycheck to them now , isn’t it ?
Bull c**p. These emails are very easy to retrieve. Ask any qualified tech and he will tell you the same. We retrieved them from our servers quite often from morons who accidently lost or deleted them.
What good is having a backup system if its too hard to get?
fire all of them , and put them in jail…. they put us in jail … WAKE UP SHEEP.
bunch of garbage