Last Friday a DOJ attorney told an attorney from Judicial Watch, who has been actively seeking to get to the bottom of the controversy, that there is indeed a backup system where Lois Lerner’s emails are stored, but they won’t retrieve them because they are too difficult to get.
Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton states “So everything we’ve been hearing about scratched hard drives…it’s all been a pack of malarkey. They could get these records, but they don’t want to.
And there’s no such thing as Lois Lerner’s missing emails. It’s all been a big lie. They’ve been lying to the courts, to the American people, to Congress. It’s outrageous.”
So they lied and that didn’t work, now they state that the emails are just to difficult to retrieve. Corruption at its finest.
lisahawks says:
“I don’t care how hard they are to get, get them out…freaking liars”
I don’t care how hard they are to get, get them out…freaking liars
Yeah, I remember the result when I used to tell my parents as a child, “It’s too hard….” Guess what? They won.
Wonder if the IRS would accept that excuse from a citizen? NOT!
What kind of IT makes backup system that are hard to get. It defeats the purpose of having a backup system.The dog ate my homework is a more plusible explanation.
KNEW they were lying from the get-go. Now SOMEone INDICT THEM.
Come on, contact a local hacker and watch them come to the surface !!!
Fox news? Real reliable.
They can get the emails. They are not hard to get and any IT tech knows that . Companies retrieve old files from backed historical electronic files all the time when power outages or a file is mistakenly deleted. IT can retrieve them. The truth is probably they don’t want them retrieved.
Bull $#%&!@*