DOE Warns Schools: Thou Shalt Not Discriminate Against Muslims

Why do former United State Education Secretary Arne Duncan and Acting Secretary John King jump through the hoops of Council on American-Islamic Relations and then threaten schools to enforce anti-bullying agenda set forth by an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood?

CAIR uses its own form of bullying to get their agenda into schools.  They believe current textbooks that teach accurate history are fostering Islamophobia and therefore must instead teach diversity and multiculturalism that “creates inclusive environments by becoming familiar with the various religious identities of their students in addition to their racial, ethnic, sexual, and gender identities.”
CAIR does nothing to condemn the behavior of Islamic radicalism, therefore they help foster a sense of justifiable fear due to the savage killings and mutilations done in the name of Islam.

The letter continued:

We support your efforts to ensure that young people are not subjected to discrimination or harassment based on race, religion, or national origin, particularly at this time when fear and anger are heightened, and when public debate sometimes results in the dissemination of misinformation. Such inappropriate conduct in schools can take many forms, from abusive name-calling to defamatory graffiti to physical violence directed at a student because of a student’s actual or perceived race or ancestry, the country the student’s family comes from, or the student’s religion or cultural traditions. If ignored, this kind of conduct can jeopardize students’ ability to learn, undermine their physical and emotional well-being, provoke retaliatory acts, and exacerbate community conflicts.

We cannot permit discrimination or harassment in schools against students based on their actual or perceived race, religion, or national origin, because parents and students look to you for leadership, their hearing from you that such conduct is unconditionally wrong and will not be tolerated in our schools will make a real difference. In response to recent and ongoing issues, we also urge you to anticipate the potential challenges that may be faced by students who are especially at risk of harassment — including those who are, or are perceived to be, Syrian, Muslim, Middle Eastern, or Arab, as well as those who are Sikh, Jewish, or students of color. For example, classroom discussions and other school activities should be structured to help students grapple with current events and conflicting viewpoints in constructive ways, and not in ways that result in the targeting of particular students for harassment or blame.

The DOE, like every other federal alphabet agency, should simply be abolished.

Source: Breitbart




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