The Democratic National Convention is trying to project a love-fest for Hillary Clinton. Unfortunately, she is not very lovable or trustworthy, and in fact projects a cold and grating persona.
The hacked emails from the DNC clearly showed a corrupt and cynical organization that was touched by racism, religious bigotry, and an obvious effort to hand the nomination to Hillary on a silver platter, and to get crazy Bernie Sanders out of the race. That clearly demonstrated that the DNC denials of favoritism were absolute lies, and the fix was in from the beginning. So with their hands stuck elbow-deep in the cookie jar of political corruption, what does the DNC demand? An FBI investigation to see if Russia is involved in the hacked emails. It is truly amazing that these folks can be so corrupt without even indicating a hint of remorse. Instead, they simply try to misdirect attention to find and blame whoever caught them in their dirty tricks. It is tragic that average Democrats are willing to support such a grossly dishonest crew.
However, not everyone was buying in to the crass display of raw political abuse. Bernie Sanders supporters, in spite of watching Bernie roll over and support the criminal Clinton, were heard shouting “Lock Her Up,” which was a repeated refrain in the Republican convention but hardly something one would expect during the Democrat gathering praising their new party leader. Of course the DNC leadership could not allow delegates to show disunity, so they threw Bernie supporters out and moved them to remote areas where the media would not be able to see them. And just to be certain that the will of the delegates did not gain strength, a SWAT team was brought in to ensure there was peace and quiet while the speakers praised Hillary to the heavens. If it sounds like something that would happen in places like Cuba or Venezuela, which happen to be Democrat models of social order and decorum, that is what it was… except for the burning American flags and the storming of the media tent.
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Just wait and get their federal police going in Germany they call them Gestapo
Or he gets us all blown up or wrecks the economy. The man is ignorant of what a President needs to know.
You think Hillary placed a call? You are delusional.
They are not anti cop
Just like trump supporters. They are beyond blind
Their actions show they are
SWAT teams are police…I thought the police were banned and the cops are bad people that kill black people such Hippocrates
So now they want help from the police. I think they should’ve let blm handle
CNN is paid for and msnbc. The did a street poll across america 8 out of 10 would never vote for Hillary. The media is covering up protestors breaking through fence at dnc, there covering up paid actors to sit in delegate seats of bernie sanders, the media is trying to keep polls close so maybe people will switch and vote for hillary at the end. USA today came out with a article saying TRUMP has clinched presidency all his supporters need to do is vote. Clinton delegate was caught on hidden camera of reporter saying clinton is propsing one thing about gun control but on secret camera footage of delegate she wants all guns. America is tired of illegal immigrants taking our jobs. More muslims equals more terrorism just like france! Its proven now muslim leader in france and america and attacks are up in record numbers. The political report show economic climb was expected to go up 3.5% only went up 1.5% wich TRUMP will love blasting on that soon. Thats one straight year of a slug economy clinton says were great but cant even hit minimal target of economic growth. The emails the voicemails and more coming out as election gets closer by wikileaks to destroy Hillary. Trump on other hand got melanias college issue out other day and cleared up russia hack. wiki leaks said it wasnt russia who hacked emails, I believe the source on that they are ones releasing the leaks. basically all the democrats have on TRUMP is comtinous bigot talks but even TRUMP stopped that. Trump is correct on immigrants crime rates are high as hell since immigration failure. DNC said last night military members favor Hillary 3 to 1 very untrue all polls favor Trump on military 3 to 1 and thats proven, I am a military member. Basically CNN and msnbc are trying to rigg the election for establishment elitist. But failing at it. 4 million less viewers watched Hillary’s exceptance speach last night than TRUMPs speech. Hillary is a cop hater, defended common criminals on live tv and had illegal immigrants on her stage at convention. Bernie sanders supporters all 12 million of them vow to not vote Hillary even if they dont vote Trump its still helps make trump stronger less votes going to Hillary! Minorities are waking up after email leaks showing the democrats are racist against minorities the democrats created the kkk. The protestors at trumps convention were not violent at all hillarys protestors 100,000 were trying to bust through the fence at convention last night. Basically media can lie do whatever but america has woken up we are being invaded at the hands of hillary and obama. Just like polls and USA today say and our military and police say it’s already over just a dog and pony show TRUMP is the next president!
Really after everything hillary has done Donald might be a bad pres. Hillary has proven she will be