Constructing a well-designed border wall has been an uncontroversial idea for decades. While immigration reforms have been hard to come by in the United States, most major proposals have included calls for stricter border enforcement — with little pushback from the right or the left.
Then, Donald Trump launched his presidential campaign. Suddenly, liberals across the country began falling over themselves to oppose each and every word that came out of the billionaire businessman’s mouth. The wall — which was once thought of as common sense — was turned into a symbol of hatred and racism by those on the left.
Unfortunately, their rhetoric has gotten so out of hand that they’ve been exposed in a number of humiliating and hypocritical ways.
From previous votes to walls around their property, politicians have had to defend their use of walls everywhere. Unfortunately, the person who designed the area around the Democrat COnvention’s stage didn’t seem to get the “no walls” memo.
See the embarrassing gaffe — and how they tried to fix it — on the next page:
The American Flag would offend too many of the Clinton contributors. And THAT should offend every American!
The American Flag would offend too many of the Clinton contributors. And THAT should offend every American!
But then puts up invisible wall!
They were concerned about “offending” someone! Well, I was offended, because the absence of Old Glory!
If you haven’t figured it out by now, the Democratic party is and always have been the plantation owners, the only difference is now the plantation is inner city ghettos!
Dems are loving this BLM movement….. why because they can shift the focus of black on black crimes in those ghettos to the police, making it appear that they are concerned about them !
This gets them their votes and still nothing done to improve the lives of those still living on the plantation !
BLM is hurting the black community by shifting focus from the REAL problems within their communities!
HIGH crime rates, and most violent crimes are being ignored while Democrat’s and the Media are helping a group that wants no police ?
Will that help the problem ?
Black communities to often suffer from low employment rates and as a result are impoverished……
Will lack of police presence help that problem ?
Only from the view of CRIMINALS!
Black communities have high rates of children being raised by single mothers, most by choice !
It has become “cool” to be a baby-daddy rather than a husband-father!
How will less police presence help that ?
It won’t !
Democrat’s want you dependant on the government to control you, keep you voting for them while not doing anything that really helps you…. if you rise out of those ghettos, you no longer NEED the governments help and then you start listening to the real issues and voting based on REAL issues that can make a difference!
Democrat’s are slave owners !
Lyndon B. Johnson said it years ago, and it’s still working today!
Johnson -” I’ll have those Niggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years”
Handouts don’t help……
people need a hand up !
They need jobs !
Good jobs with decent pay and benefits ! Not minimum wage or “temp” jobs with no benefits !
They need to feel safe from crime and violent gang activity in their own neighborhoods !
Answer this ONE question !!!
And you’ve already decided who to vote for !
Both candidates and parties DNC / RNC have already made their positions clear on THE most important issue of them ALL !
So now whether your Republican, Democrat or otherwise, there’s only one question to ask yourself…….
This is not an election to waste your vote casting it to a non contender!
There are only two that have a chance of winning!
This election comes down to one choice, one question that outweighs ALL political issues…….
The choice is yours!
You can’t hide from God,Oh what a pitiful bunch.
A lot of good people died so that the flag can be flown & they just pissed on there graves! Just think about what they will do next!!!!
They need a “Safe Zone” where they won’t be threatened by hearing truth!
Tim Flaherty that was day three, I think when they finally put those up! Don’t give credit to coal!