The DNC has gone beyond the pale this year in using an anchor baby Karla Ortiz, her illegal mother and a second illegal immigrant, Astrid Silva, to promote illegal immigration at their convention this year.
The child puppet of the Clinton machine was brought on stage to share that she is afraid that her mommy and daddy would be “forced to leave”. The crowd went wild, cheering for this law-breaking family and for the wanton use of a child to promote their open border agenda.
Breaking the law, as we have seen with Hillary, is no big deal, and therefore breaking into this country is also of no consequence to Democrats. In fact, one can almost hear Hillary say, “What difference does it make? Let them all stay, as long as they vote for me.”
Read the remarks swirling on Twitter regarding Karla Ortiz and her illegal immigrant parents on the next page.
Wha wha wha cringing losers
Obama Is Officially The Worst President In American History! Feeling The Burn ~ I will NOT vote for Hillary.~ Trump/Pence For America A Strong Ticket That Will Make America Safe, Sane, Properous And Great Once Again! Thank You For Your Support And Votes! Keep The White House Hillary Free, Even Bill Clinton Said There Has Been Enough Women In The Oval Office!
Must See Movie Out This Past Weekend Hillary’s America!!!
The “hospitality” of the Democrats at the expense of the taxpayers, is always generous to those who do not deserve it, (like illegal aliens) at the expense of those who do deserve it (like immigrants who follow the law).
Bernie and Trump supporters will unite against Killary….it marks the end of the Clintons.
Good point, very good point.
Well not all, if I break the law I’m going to jail, court,bond (mybe) court again, court again for sentencing. Then to prison or pay heavy fines and fee’s. Stupidity is no excuse for political parties.
Heck NO, voting for Trump / Pence team in November!
Deport !!
They don’t seem to get it democratics want them here for cheep labor
Voting Trump. When did we start rewarding people that break the laws? Give us a list of laws we are allowed to break.