Several well-placed traps have more potential to catch game than sitting in a tree with a rifle – although capturing game with a rifle in a tree having bathed in deer pee soap and exercising patience for a few hours is also satisfying.
This video will show you how to create a Spring Snare Trap, as demonstrated by a rather young but knowledgeable frontiersman.
SHHHH nobama will be starting a new trap tax….we need these on Mexican border…..
Check with your local fish and game dep’t before using these. If it isn’t a survival situation, they may be illegal to use.
Simular to the snares I made as a kid,You have to check them often otherwise the varmits will eat well off your effort! they do work…
That illegal in a lot of states including baiting
Disgusting either way ! Hate hunting.
You call this a sport? In a fair fight the deer will take you out. What low life would do such a thing. Come admit it creep.
You anti hunters go to the grocerystore where the meat blooms on rosebushes??? Ever been to a slaughterhouse? Shut The Hell up you Idiots!!
epg says:
“These kind of traps are mostly used for survival. So if I the family did in one, I’m eating it.”
epg says:
“The anti hunters are hysterical. If you are not a vegetarian then you have no argument at all. If you are then it’s better I kill and eat the deer then it end up in you cars grill. Either way your standpoint is senseless.”
The anti hunters are hysterical. If you are not a vegetarian then you have no argument at all. If you are then it’s better I kill and eat the deer then it end up in you cars grill. Either way your standpoint is senseless.