Several well-placed traps have more potential to catch game than sitting in a tree with a rifle – although capturing game with a rifle in a tree having bathed in deer pee soap and exercising patience for a few hours is also satisfying.
This video will show you how to create a Spring Snare Trap, as demonstrated by a rather young but knowledgeable frontiersman.
The problem with traps is any animal including a family pet can get caught in them. Sit in the damn tree.
These kind of traps are mostly used for survival. So if I the family did in one, I’m eating it.
Most people that trap do it in places you won’t likely be finding a family pet lol never caught any cats or dogs in any of mine!
Traps are cruel, and like Myra said, any animal can get caught in them
The problem is that people think animals have souls, emotions, and are humans. All of which are false.
Just remember, trapping license varies from hunting. Just saying. Use your heads. And yes if the SHTF then by all means, trap. But, do not trap unless you have a permit.
Where can I pick up some of that Deer Pee Bathsoap? lol
Will some one please pee on me
Now you may not like the idea of trapping but it’s all good info to know, never know when it will come in handy
When it comes to survival traps can save your life