This simple but highly effective mosquito trap can literally kill thousands of mosquitoes per night without the use of pesticides.
You will need:
– An industrial drum fan with metal casing
– A flexible screen
See Page 2:
This simple but highly effective mosquito trap can literally kill thousands of mosquitoes per night without the use of pesticides.
You will need:
– An industrial drum fan with metal casing
– A flexible screen
See Page 2:
mosquitos reproduce rapidly enough; they can afford to lose a few.
we thought that about every species we have killed so far, humans dont have a good track record to decide.
Lauren Charter
Lol “dan de lion”
Lol “someone who’s responsibly questioning our sense of comfort and privilege”
” Extinction is as old as life on Earth – about 3.5 billion years – but scientists calculate that we are losing species at a rate of somewhere between 1,000 and 10,000 times higher than the natural “background” rate of extinction. This means that technically we are going through a period of “mass extinction”, the sixth that we know about over the hundreds of millions of years of the fossil record. But unlike the previous five mass extinctions, this one is largely caused by the actions of a single species – H**o sapiens.”
Bro your mind is messed up
@ Dandelion, by the sound of it your a left wing tree huger who’s species needs to be killed off…go find a hole a die