The warm summer months never last forever. Soon it’s time to look for a way to bring a little extra warmth into the home and this simple solar heater is a great project to do just that. It’s made of metal cans, steel or aluminum, and can produce a surprisingly strong and consistent airflow upwards of 140F.
Even on a heavy snow day you’re looking at somewhere around 75-85F.
Best of all, this simple project requires just a few common parts and many of them can simply be re-purposed from your regular recycling. Watch the project come together in the fully-detailed video on the NEXT PAGE:
Great idea. A little tweaking would make it better. There could be some legit uses for it. It runs on solar power so it wont do you much good at night.
The glass has a high emisivity which will reflect some of the solar heat. Could be better material to use for the front.
My biggest problem with the entire project….if using solar panels anyway why not just run a small space heater?
This was made on Brainstormers on the weather channel. Put out 150° air on a 35 ° day in direct sunlight.
When exactly, is it sunny out on a heavy snow day? Idiot.
Its gonna take a hell if a lot of 75 degree air to overcome heat loss and make a room maintain 70 degrees.. But i guess every little bit helps if you have time to make that thing.. Lol
I am wondering…don’t laugh all you handyman types out there…is that fan one you plug in or like the ones you sit on a wood stove and it works by the heat rising? I didn’t think it was very clear about that.
It is a computer exhaust fan. They don’t move a lot of air and work on DC current.
Darren Morahan, an addition to your chicken coup.
Good way to heat the outdoors, but won’t work inside unless you install a skylight. Which by the way is the next DIY cl$#%&!@*
dont really believe it will work that well in 35 degree weather with no sun shinning. Whats the point, if the sun is out itrs usually warm.