The warm summer months never last forever. Soon it’s time to look for a way to bring a little extra warmth into the home and this simple solar heater is a great project to do just that. It’s made of metal cans, steel or aluminum, and can produce a surprisingly strong and consistent airflow upwards of 140F.
Even on a heavy snow day you’re looking at somewhere around 75-85F.
Best of all, this simple project requires just a few common parts and many of them can simply be re-purposed from your regular recycling. Watch the project come together in the fully-detailed video on the NEXT PAGE:
Needs to build himself a workbench
too small to do a thing, really.
How often do you get sun shine for your SOLAR HEATER on a SNOWY day?
On a whole house scale they have something similar called a trombe wall
You can make it for 19.95 unless you get the government model. That one goes for $150,000. Hey, congressmen don’t come cheap
i made one of these used it for about 4 years would get to 360 degrees on the inside used a computer fan to blow thru a chase then into house worked great for 1 room
Very cool. Thanks for the video
I built one thought it was a pos and an eye soar unless you put the money in don’t be stupid by an extra heater instead of wasting doe on this c**p
Lol keep flogging a dead horse