The warm summer months never last forever. Soon it’s time to look for a way to bring a little extra warmth into the home and this simple solar heater is a great project to do just that. It’s made of metal cans, steel or aluminum, and can produce a surprisingly strong and consistent airflow upwards of 140F.
Even on a heavy snow day you’re looking at somewhere around 75-85F.
Best of all, this simple project requires just a few common parts and many of them can simply be re-purposed from your regular recycling. Watch the project come together in the fully-detailed video on the NEXT PAGE:
For “cooling” your house, check out “Solar Chimney”. With air entering through buried pipes (into your house) and a “solar chimney” pulling hot air outside, the house temperature drops, and no fans are required. Fully passive system.
I don’t know but I’ll try it for fun! Montana’s cold enough so any help being out there will be good.
Chad Langan
I learned how to make these 30 years ago. Might make a few this fall1
Wayne says:
“This is really cool but doesn’t wood and metal burn ? Also, I have to ask. Why are you putting such long screws in by hand ?”
This is really cool but doesn’t wood and metal burn ? Also, I have to ask. Why are you putting such long screws in by hand ?
J.j. Bechhold
Overseer Bob Pollard you should make this!
Clayton Dean Maggard Jason Welch need one of these for deer campb
David Spoor~