The warm summer months never last forever. Soon it’s time to look for a way to bring a little extra warmth into the home and this simple solar heater is a great project to do just that. It’s made of metal cans, steel or aluminum, and can produce a surprisingly strong and consistent airflow upwards of 140F.
Even on a heavy snow day you’re looking at somewhere around 75-85F.
Best of all, this simple project requires just a few common parts and many of them can simply be re-purposed from your regular recycling. Watch the project come together in the fully-detailed video on the NEXT PAGE:
I like this idea
Patty you could probably set it on a window sill inside the house.
josh says:
“watch video again 7:48”
Josh says:
Ok this is really cool except we don’t have a Wal-Mart where I’m at. Or a store. Or wood. Or glass. Or cardboard. Or computer fans. One thing I do have though is a damn bit driver for my drill.
Gonna be making one soon. Gathering the pieces.
Great stuff especially if the shift. George
I made this one last year it has black metal window screen instead of cans. In the sun was getting 140 degrees out the vent holes.
Paint everything in matte black paint for optimum heat capture