For the inside of the can, the creator of the video states that instead of the plaster of paris/sand mix you can use refractory cement to make the unit last longer. Ordinary concrete melts at around 1260°C (2300°F). The plaster likely bakes the H2O out of the plaster/sand mix, but as the cement works as a binder, it works as a filler the way the sand does.
Nice I was thinking about doing one for my mountain of beer cans.
Mine is a closed forge. Works pretty well for the knives I make. Haven’t really tried melting things down yet. Then again.. I’d need a more open forge for that.
@[1233069954:2048:Perry Barton]
@[100000550390321:2048:Rich Fleming] hey man check this out. I thought you would like it
WOW!! Don`t give us 7o year olds ideas!!!!!
@[100002558013051:2048:Zeb Jones]
Inventive and very cool