Disturbing Report: VA Staff Sent Veterans Benefits To The Shredder

Disturbing Report: VA Staff Sent Veterans Benefits To The Shredder

If you needed any more proof that the federal government has completely and utterly failed our veterans, look no further than the following story.

After investigating Department of Veteran Affairs conduct around the country, the agency’s inspector general released a report that shows staff at at least six different regional offices had ordered documents pertaining to benefit claims of veterans to be shredded.

More specifically, out of 155 claims-related documents covered in the report, 69 were set aside for destruction by department workers. So basically, if you’re a veteran, there’s a 45% chance that paperwork dealing with your benefits was scheduled to be shredded.

Now you would think there would be ironclad rules and regulations to keep this sort of thing from happening, but as the IG observes, there are basically no sound policies “prevent[ing] VARO [Veterans Affairs Regional Office] staff from potentially destroying claims-related documents.”

Read more about this shocking development on the next page:

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  1. lisahawkss

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