A criminal black man who ran from police while carrying a semi-automatic gun, was shot by the Milwaukee police who feared for their lives. The twenty-three-year-old had a lengthy criminal record and refused to follow orders when pulled over for a traffic stop. The gun he was carrying had been used in a robbery. The guy was far from innocent.
Even the Democratic Mayor, in a press conference, said that the police were in danger because Sylville Smith had a gun in his hand, but this doesn’t matter to the Black Lives Matter movement, they want blood and ‘retribution’.
In their hate, BLM rioters began destroying property, burning down a gas station and threatening white people. The level of rage in crowd of people is disconcerting as they chanted, “Black Power!” and looked for white people to attack.
View the video of that hate on the next page.
Tammy*) I think you just nailed the door shut. You are so very right, with all the technology available. Wow..ty
Marshall Law coming
When they have the blessing of the DOJ/LYNCH/OBAMA , do you think something will done !!!–“NO ” ! ———-This is from a ” HACKED TWITTER FEED ” ——->Marshall Law coming
Look down to the #11 to #15 tweet & you’ll see what they really ” FEEL ABOUT THEIR WHITE SUPPORTERS ” !!! Shows nothing but pure hatred for them !!!….Scum bags & hypocrites & racist all !!
Marshal Law Here it comes!
Private Twitter exchanges obtained from #BlackLivesMatter leader DeRay McKesson’s hacked phone seem to indicate that Attorney General Loretta Lynch is at least passively participating in the upcoming “Summer of Chaos” aimed at shutting down both the Republican and Democrat National Conventions in July.
By shutting down conventions and creating chaos into November, #BlackLivesMatter activists want to so disrupt the process that President Barack Obama has an excuse to implement martial law and cancel the election.
An exchange between McKesson and #BlackLivesMatter activist Samuel Sinyangwe revealed this:
@samswey: I wanted to touch base with you about the summer of chaos. So far we have 2,000 people being bused in from different cities and another 6,000 to 8,000 expected to drive into Cleveland for the convention.
@samswey: They will not be ready for the type of crowds we are bringing in and they will blame Trump for it, especially if we shut it down. The GOP will have to replace him at that point or we will continue the disruptions nationwide.
@deray: I will pass the info along. Good work, Sam. You never let us down. If (sic) so important we stop Trump. He will destroy everything we have worked so hard for and we can’t trust Hillary. She’s never proven she really cares about what we want.
An exchange between McKesson and fellow #BlackLivesMatter leader Johnetta “Netta” Elzie followed. It implicated Lynch:
@Nettaaaaaaaa: Have you spoken with Mrs Lynch recently about the plan for the summer and fall leading up to the elections
@deray: We spoke two weeks and they us to start pushing how racist Trump is now instead of waiting so the others can start getting the protesters ready to shut both conventions down.
@deray: We have to make sure that use our voices to keep people disrupting Trump all summer and through the fall so martial can be declared before the election.
#11.####@deray: I spoke with Sam earlier today and he confirmed that there will be around 10,000 protestors disrupting convention. Plans are being made for earlier cities as well for upcoming Trump events. Ads have already been placed looking for people to help. I know you don’t care for them but this is the time we need our white allies doing a lot of work for us. They are the ones who will listen best.
#12. @Nettaaaaaaaa: That will put fear in the GOP and the country when they can’t have their convention for all their racist supporting Trump. We’ve worked too hard and closely with the Obama administration to have that racist$#%&!@*take all and away and Hillary sure don’t give a damn about us.
#13.@Nettaaaaaaaa: You know I can’t stand those white allies, but you right this is the best to use them. They hang on every word you say and will do whatever is asked. I just hate all that kiss$#%&!@*they try to do. Like that changes who they are.
#14. @deray: We have a lot of white allies volunteering for Trump’s campaign to pass along information to us before it’s made public so we know when rallies are coming up before they are announced. That way we can plan major disruptions in those cities in advance. We just have to keep our names out of this and let these people do the work for us by pushing how Trump’s racist ways will destroy black lives in America.
#15.@Nett @Nettaaaaaaaa: That’s all those white people are good for in my eyes. I couldn’t imagine even pretending to like that racist$#%&!@*Trump even to get info on his events. I’ll be glad when we shut his$#%&!@*down.
@deray: With the support we have from Mrs Lynch and the help we’ve got from Sam and others it won’t be hard to cause enough disruptions to stop the elections. He can’t be president.
@Nettaaaaaaaa: They always thought you was playing when you said we could win. Call me later when you’re not too busy.
@deray: If we can get both conventions shut down for messing over Bernie and for having racist Trump, then get martial law declared so Obama can stay in office we will win. Call you soon when I get to my dads so I can use his landline and we can talk more on this.
Dan Bray , Marshall Law coming
When they have the blessing of the DOJ/LYNCH/OBAMA , do you think something will done !!!–“NO ” ! ———-This is from a ” HACKED TWITTER FEED ” ——->Marshall Law coming
Look down to the #11 to #15 tweet & you’ll see what they really ” FEEL ABOUT THEIR WHITE SUPPORTERS ” !!! Shows nothing but pure hatred for them !!!….Scum bags & hypocrites & racist all !!
Marshal Law Here it comes!
Private Twitter exchanges obtained from #BlackLivesMatter leader DeRay McKesson’s hacked phone seem to indicate that Attorney General Loretta Lynch is at least passively participating in the upcoming “Summer of Chaos” aimed at shutting down both the Republican and Democrat National Conventions in July.
By shutting down conventions and creating chaos into November, #BlackLivesMatter activists want to so disrupt the process that President Barack Obama has an excuse to implement martial law and cancel the election.
An exchange between McKesson and #BlackLivesMatter activist Samuel Sinyangwe revealed this:
@samswey: I wanted to touch base with you about the summer of chaos. So far we have 2,000 people being bused in from different cities and another 6,000 to 8,000 expected to drive into Cleveland for the convention.
@samswey: They will not be ready for the type of crowds we are bringing in and they will blame Trump for it, especially if we shut it down. The GOP will have to replace him at that point or we will continue the disruptions nationwide.
@deray: I will pass the info along. Good work, Sam. You never let us down. If (sic) so important we stop Trump. He will destroy everything we have worked so hard for and we can’t trust Hillary. She’s never proven she really cares about what we want.
An exchange between McKesson and fellow #BlackLivesMatter leader Johnetta “Netta” Elzie followed. It implicated Lynch:
@Nettaaaaaaaa: Have you spoken with Mrs Lynch recently about the plan for the summer and fall leading up to the elections
@deray: We spoke two weeks and they us to start pushing how racist Trump is now instead of waiting so the others can start getting the protesters ready to shut both conventions down.
@deray: We have to make sure that use our voices to keep people disrupting Trump all summer and through the fall so martial can be declared before the election.
#11.####@deray: I spoke with Sam earlier today and he confirmed that there will be around 10,000 protestors disrupting convention. Plans are being made for earlier cities as well for upcoming Trump events. Ads have already been placed looking for people to help. I know you don’t care for them but this is the time we need our white allies doing a lot of work for us. They are the ones who will listen best.
#12. @Nettaaaaaaaa: That will put fear in the GOP and the country when they can’t have their convention for all their racist supporting Trump. We’ve worked too hard and closely with the Obama administration to have that racist$#%&!@*take all and away and Hillary sure don’t give a damn about us.
#13.@Nettaaaaaaaa: You know I can’t stand those white allies, but you right this is the best to use them. They hang on every word you say and will do whatever is asked. I just hate all that kiss$#%&!@*they try to do. Like that changes who they are.
#14. @deray: We have a lot of white allies volunteering for Trump’s campaign to pass along information to us before it’s made public so we know when rallies are coming up before they are announced. That way we can plan major disruptions in those cities in advance. We just have to keep our names out of this and let these people do the work for us by pushing how Trump’s racist ways will destroy black lives in America.
#15.@Nett @Nettaaaaaaaa: That’s all those white people are good for in my eyes. I couldn’t imagine even pretending to like that racist$#%&!@*Trump even to get info on his events. I’ll be glad when we shut his$#%&!@*down.
@deray: With the support we have from Mrs Lynch and the help we’ve got from Sam and others it won’t be hard to cause enough disruptions to stop the elections. He can’t be president.
@Nettaaaaaaaa: They always thought you was playing when you said we could win. Call me later when you’re not too busy.
@deray: If we can get both conventions shut down for messing over Bernie and for having racist Trump, then get martial law declared so Obama can stay in office we will win. Call you soon when I get to my dads so I can use his landline and we can talk more on this.
Ray Fay , Absolutely correct 100% —–this will prove it !—————->Marshall Law coming
When they have the blessing of the DOJ/LYNCH/OBAMA , do you think something will done !!!–“NO ” ! ———-This is from a ” HACKED TWITTER FEED ” ——->Marshall Law coming
Look down to the #11 to #15 tweet & you’ll see what they really ” FEEL ABOUT THEIR WHITE SUPPORTERS ” !!! Shows nothing but pure hatred for them !!!….Scum bags & hypocrites & racist all !!
Marshal Law Here it comes!
Private Twitter exchanges obtained from #BlackLivesMatter leader DeRay McKesson’s hacked phone seem to indicate that Attorney General Loretta Lynch is at least passively participating in the upcoming “Summer of Chaos” aimed at shutting down both the Republican and Democrat National Conventions in July.
By shutting down conventions and creating chaos into November, #BlackLivesMatter activists want to so disrupt the process that President Barack Obama has an excuse to implement martial law and cancel the election.
An exchange between McKesson and #BlackLivesMatter activist Samuel Sinyangwe revealed this:
@samswey: I wanted to touch base with you about the summer of chaos. So far we have 2,000 people being bused in from different cities and another 6,000 to 8,000 expected to drive into Cleveland for the convention.
@samswey: They will not be ready for the type of crowds we are bringing in and they will blame Trump for it, especially if we shut it down. The GOP will have to replace him at that point or we will continue the disruptions nationwide.
@deray: I will pass the info along. Good work, Sam. You never let us down. If (sic) so important we stop Trump. He will destroy everything we have worked so hard for and we can’t trust Hillary. She’s never proven she really cares about what we want.
An exchange between McKesson and fellow #BlackLivesMatter leader Johnetta “Netta” Elzie followed. It implicated Lynch:
@Nettaaaaaaaa: Have you spoken with Mrs Lynch recently about the plan for the summer and fall leading up to the elections
@deray: We spoke two weeks and they us to start pushing how racist Trump is now instead of waiting so the others can start getting the protesters ready to shut both conventions down.
@deray: We have to make sure that use our voices to keep people disrupting Trump all summer and through the fall so martial can be declared before the election.
#11.####@deray: I spoke with Sam earlier today and he confirmed that there will be around 10,000 protestors disrupting convention. Plans are being made for earlier cities as well for upcoming Trump events. Ads have already been placed looking for people to help. I know you don’t care for them but this is the time we need our white allies doing a lot of work for us. They are the ones who will listen best.
#12. @Nettaaaaaaaa: That will put fear in the GOP and the country when they can’t have their convention for all their racist supporting Trump. We’ve worked too hard and closely with the Obama administration to have that racist$#%&!@*take all and away and Hillary sure don’t give a damn about us.
#13.@Nettaaaaaaaa: You know I can’t stand those white allies, but you right this is the best to use them. They hang on every word you say and will do whatever is asked. I just hate all that kiss$#%&!@*they try to do. Like that changes who they are.
#14. @deray: We have a lot of white allies volunteering for Trump’s campaign to pass along information to us before it’s made public so we know when rallies are coming up before they are announced. That way we can plan major disruptions in those cities in advance. We just have to keep our names out of this and let these people do the work for us by pushing how Trump’s racist ways will destroy black lives in America.
#15.@Nett @Nettaaaaaaaa: That’s all those white people are good for in my eyes. I couldn’t imagine even pretending to like that racist$#%&!@*Trump even to get info on his events. I’ll be glad when we shut his$#%&!@*down.
@deray: With the support we have from Mrs Lynch and the help we’ve got from Sam and others it won’t be hard to cause enough disruptions to stop the elections. He can’t be president.
@Nettaaaaaaaa: They always thought you was playing when you said we could win. Call me later when you’re not too busy.
@deray: If we can get both conventions shut down for messing over Bernie and for having racist Trump, then get martial law declared so Obama can stay in office we will win. Call you soon when I get to my dads so I can use his landline and we can talk more on this.
Lana Noeth , I saw several on here last nite talking about exactly that !!..Their comments were ……” we gonna make these whitey’s pay for bringing us here ” !! That’s funny , ” everyone that is here now since say birth records of 1900 dowmn to now was born here ” !! There are no slaves today , except in their own minds & lack of parenting & discipline !!!!! Here is my view on this !!———————————-> Black privilege /White guilt/Slavery
Hey ” BLM ” you want your ” 40 acres & mule ” go get it from your Democrat Socialist Party out of their pockets only !! Because 140 years +- Dem. Sent. Stephen Douglas & co-horts of Southern & northern democrats(KKK) took that law away from you after Pres. Lincoln was shot !!!!! Here is my feelings on this all !! Below: Black privilege /White guilt/Slavery
Simpley put ……” Do not act like sublife around policemen/women & do as your as asked to do in a criminal act & you’ll live throught it ” !!……………….Get a proper education & act like a Human being with some intelligence & you will have a great job or find a niech in society & fill it & you’ll become a self-employed wealthy person !!!!……………..However , if all your going to do is this do not expect much at all from life or society !!!—————————————————>>Baltimore,Md. Black Privilege..
This is all such a crock of Tax payers loss……Gene
Black Privilege……. Yea that’s right…I said it…When you work in Baltimore Black Privilege affect’s the way you can support yourself and your family…If you have an electrical job to do in the city…You must wait until 10 or 11 am to find a parking spot…Because the Black Privileged do not get out of bed until then…No one leaves there Section 8 house till then..That is the houses we pay for…Then most of them leave in there new Volvo or Caddy…Yes there is more than one at every house…They get Leap energy assistance for there heating bill too…If you work in there house you will find a giant flat screen in every room…I know one family that gets $1.200.00 a month food stamps…No one has a taxable job…They have a beauty salon in the basement..The one kid has a tattoo parlor up stairs..The dad and another son have a construction biz out of the garage…The nicest furnishings,cars and clothes i have ever seen…That is Black Privilege… And did i mention that no one gets out of bed until 10 am..
Because there is no ” White Guilt ” period !!——————————————->>Slavery & white guilt in 2016
Nobody today is alive in the time of slavery . We were not the only one’s who bought slaves & surely not the first either. I do not condone ever owning another human being , but Islamic countries do today , FACT!! . I n the past the other countries were ..England/Spain/Portugal / Netherlands-Dutch/France/Saudi Arabia & other African black nations sold them to the these countries. Samuel ” Black Sam ” Bellamy used his Whydah Galley to transport slaves , he was a Black Pirate . We as a caucasian race are not responsible for all the wrongs done & there were white slaves too in past history by other countries capturing through war & selling them into slavery(ROME ring a bell) from Europe to Asia to Polynesia & back. So I myself have no guilt for any of this at all , I was not born yet & not my responsibility ..Have a safe year .
There is NO ” White Privilege ” either !!!!—————————————————->>>There is ” NO WHITE Privilege ” in this here just a lot of ” HARD WORK ” !!!—————->>I do have been self-employed in the Timber Industry for 35 years & Agriculture all my life. Can not be stupid to feed stupid people & produce timber for your houses & 5,000 other products you use in daily life , that I’m sure your not even familiar with or realize this. I also assure you that my Family line has been here before George Washington’s time & fought in every war since that one & it has plenty of branches on it. Cherokee/Sicilian /English/Irish/Scott/German , I could go collect rep money from U.S. /Libya/Rome/Spain/Ethiopia /Egypt & Greece for enslaving all of my bloodline relatives !!!!! Every last one of these countries had slaves (white or off color) at one time or another thru war ! Of course U.S. Jackson$#%&!@*also almost killed us off & we fought him to get rid of the British !! Jackson was the beginning of criminal land activities & genocide in favor of gold/timber/farmlands !!!!!!!
Lana , On the Muslim issue !!!——————————————>>Islam, by law, is prohibited from US immigration
It is illegal that Obama is bringing Syrian Muslim refugees here at all. !!————————————————–>>Islam non-immigration law——————————————>>4 oval office sitters have ignored this…..starting G.H.W.Bush( he started this with his ” 7 year free tax investment bill ” on gas station investments for foriegn Muslim investers .This was when the faces you used to see in Tampa totally changed to these guys ! 1990/1992 & then NAFTA -Clinton was worst ) to the present of course go figure that one..He is one of them ————>>>Islam non-immigration law
Islam, by law, is prohibited from US immigration
The Immigration and Nationality Act passed June 27, 1952 revised the laws relating to immigration, naturalization, and nationality for the United States. That act, which became Public Law 414, established both the law and the intent of Congress regarding the immigration of Aliens to the US and remains in effect today. Among the many issues it covers, one in particular, found in Chapter 2 Section 212, is the prohibition of entry to the US if the Alien belongs to an organization seeking to overthrow the government of the United States by “force, violence, or other unlawful means.” This, by its very definition, rules out Islamic immigration to the United States, but this law is being ignored by the White House.Islamic immigration to the US would be prohibited under this law because the Koran, Sharia Law and the Hadith all require complete submission to Islam, which is antithetical to the US government, the Constitution, and to the Republic. All Muslims who attest that the Koran is their life’s guiding principal subscribe to submission to Islam and its form of government. Now the political correct crowd would say that Islamists cannot be prohibited from entering the US because Islam is a religion. Whether it is a religion is immaterial because the law states that Aliens who are affiliated with any “organization” that advocates the overthrow of our government are prohibited
(iii) any activity a purpose of which is the opposition to, or the control or overthrow of, the Government of the United States by force, violence, or other unlawful means, is inadmissible.
You can read it in it’s entirety at:
Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952
Obama’s lack of action to PROTECT AMERICA & AMERICANS FIRST is a complete dereliction to OATH & DUTY of AMERICA’S PRESIDENCY. Before he entered on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation: — “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. ARTICLE II, SECTION 1, CLAUSE 8
Obama is committing TREASON against the Presidency, it’s people, our allies and our Constitution and NO POTUS is above the Supreme Law of the land aka our Constitution, PERIOD.I believe he should be held responsible for his actions even after he leaves office and PROSECUTED to the FULLEST for TREASON…
Blm.can be sued they have money
Sure as$#%&!@*do . They won’t fight anything that can fight back . Trash talking , chickenshit dirt bags .
Sure he pointed a gun and terrorist was responsible for 911