A criminal black man who ran from police while carrying a semi-automatic gun, was shot by the Milwaukee police who feared for their lives. The twenty-three-year-old had a lengthy criminal record and refused to follow orders when pulled over for a traffic stop. The gun he was carrying had been used in a robbery. The guy was far from innocent.
Even the Democratic Mayor, in a press conference, said that the police were in danger because Sylville Smith had a gun in his hand, but this doesn’t matter to the Black Lives Matter movement, they want blood and ‘retribution’.
In their hate, BLM rioters began destroying property, burning down a gas station and threatening white people. The level of rage in crowd of people is disconcerting as they chanted, “Black Power!” and looked for white people to attack.
View the video of that hate on the next page.
Yep. In that situation I’d ne picking my targets
These assholes are nothing more than fucking animals looking for an excuse to act out. Start firing live rounds at these fucking jerks and they’ll get the message when the first 10 or 12 drop dead
The awars for the dumbest comment goes to….. Ding ding di g. You. How is it cowardly to shoot a guy pointing a gun at you? Also how is burning down places in your own neighborhood going to positively affect the community? Answer. It wont.
I say bring on the KKK, time to stop this$#%&!@*and now..
Do you think Obama will do anything for them? And Hillary is in his foot step’s! This will be even worse if Hillary Clinton get in! In all states! Obama & Hillary want nothing to do with the police to force law on these Thugs! Obama was a thug in his early year’s! Picture prove this! More killing on the watch of Obama with Hillary following in his foot step’s! We need change and get behind the man who’s willing to make the change! You people voting for Hillary do you want this happening in your state or town? We must put a stop to this! Obama has no idea and that means Hillary has no Idea! These thug’s burning and stealing! Itn’t what Obama & Hillary Clinton doing to us in the U.S.A. right now! Stealing from the American people to line their own pocket’s! Vote for the CHANGE we need so bad! Vote for Donald Trump For President and do it for the good of America! Thanks!
Funny thing about this is Muslims around the world call for whites to be exterminated! Humm if you are white in there idology you are an infidel Christian! Funny how this organization gets a free pass to vandalize and attack innocent people even black cops are victims funny how black lives has nothing to do with this false organization isn’t it
Of course they pick their targets!
Funny how they never expose all the arrests made during riots. Who are they and what is there defense why aren’t they publicly making available to the public who these people are?
For each an every one of them that cause this fire an trouble should be put in jail.an God Bless the Family’s threw this time .Mrs.Cater