Donald Trump has once again come face-to-face with a liberal judge attempting to undermine the president’s agenda.
Last year, when several Republican governors told the federal government that they would not accept refugees from Middle Eastern countries, the Obama administration said that the states had no say in the matter. According to the White House, immigration law was controlled solely by the federal government.
Now that Trump is in charge of the federal government, however, the left has changed their tune. Now, they’re saying that Trump does not have unilateral decision-making power on immigration. Instead, they say he must answer to the courts.
And the courts aren’t being subtle with their demands. Not only have they stalled both of Trump’s immigration orders — now one is attempting to create refugee quotas, himself.
Read about the judge who is considering a mandatory refugee order on the next page:
this judge should lose his licences and do some jail time is this not what he would do if someone blatantly disobeyed his orders? an eye for an eye
He better read the law needs to be kicked out
No fin way we don’t need them
The judge dosnt run the USA
Don’t they come under his department of fire the$#%&!@*out of them
Maybe these judges should be invited to Texas to go Dove hunting at the same ranch the Justice Scalia went to
Start playing baseball with these liberal judges and take care of the problem.
Trump needs to shitcan all these liberal judges that the POS Muslim appointed
If they do not observe the executive branch and their findings then their orders or judgement should be stopped by the executive branch and they should be remove if it keeps happening. They loose their job, go back to ground zero and school all over again.
When are these fuckin idiot, liberal, shithead judges gonna realize that Trump and Trump alone has the ultimate authority to say when and how many migrants are allowed to come here.$#%&!@*the refugees!!