Donald Trump has once again come face-to-face with a liberal judge attempting to undermine the president’s agenda.
Last year, when several Republican governors told the federal government that they would not accept refugees from Middle Eastern countries, the Obama administration said that the states had no say in the matter. According to the White House, immigration law was controlled solely by the federal government.
Now that Trump is in charge of the federal government, however, the left has changed their tune. Now, they’re saying that Trump does not have unilateral decision-making power on immigration. Instead, they say he must answer to the courts.
And the courts aren’t being subtle with their demands. Not only have they stalled both of Trump’s immigration orders — now one is attempting to create refugee quotas, himself.
Read about the judge who is considering a mandatory refugee order on the next page:
Stupid idiot hell no
Dip s**t
First need to do your homework on coal miners. Let me guess. Russia Russia Russia.
Wtf is wrong with these judges?
So flooding the site with nonsense tomes is supposed to discourage other replies. You are a troll. Stop spreading nonsense.
It’s only been 6 months. At every corner judges are undermining everything he tries, 6
He’s having to deal w a near civil war in the streets
You can’t judge a leader w only a short time in office. The Dems fight everything he tries.
And if you think obama cared about anyone but his Muslim buddies, vacations and golf you’re wrong.
Remember “like your dr ” and all those lies he repeated over and over right to our faces as plainly as he could speak and when we found out the truth he blamed it on us for misunderstanding what he Meant?remember?
So if he lied outright what else did he lie about that we didn’t know?
Y’all have got to give the man a chance y’all have been trying to impeach him since before he took office. Y’all lost the election and have been acting like toddlers ever since
Shawn Collins yep
Obama is the one that said you can’t tell what a president has done until years into his term…
Why does anyone think democrats fight conservative judge nominees?
Judges whgo are not ELECTED need to remember theor place.
Impeach these libturd judges.