Donald Trump has once again come face-to-face with a liberal judge attempting to undermine the president’s agenda.
Last year, when several Republican governors told the federal government that they would not accept refugees from Middle Eastern countries, the Obama administration said that the states had no say in the matter. According to the White House, immigration law was controlled solely by the federal government.
Now that Trump is in charge of the federal government, however, the left has changed their tune. Now, they’re saying that Trump does not have unilateral decision-making power on immigration. Instead, they say he must answer to the courts.
And the courts aren’t being subtle with their demands. Not only have they stalled both of Trump’s immigration orders — now one is attempting to create refugee quotas, himself.
Read about the judge who is considering a mandatory refugee order on the next page:
Yeah that’s not going to happen. Someone in Congress needs to show some fortitude and reign in these activist judges.
I am really starting to believe that the dems are possessed, including that judge. What else can it be?
Bench the judge!!!!
I agree wholeheartedly…a big problem is that Trump has no one backing him up…. everyday we see the same group of treasonous democrats slamming Trump…threatening to impeach him…the entire group’s IQ probably doesn’t equal 100..yet I don’t see republicans standing up to counter their relentless accusations
Shut down immigration and all the immigration judges
Once again a District Court Judge thinks he has the power to dictate policy to the POTUS; ha! This Judge needs a reality check just like all the other liberal butt hole judges!!
The bums are working outside the law , making policies is not there function .
And he will be responsible when they kill innocent Americans
He is the president. The judiciary do not run the country.
Tell that ” judge” to go F himself that he DOES NOT have that authority!! He has crossed the line.