H-1B visas are intended to permit a limited number of skilled foreign workers with advanced science or computer skills into America to fill select jobs companies have difficulty finding in the ‘States.
However, due to a new law that leaves loopholes within federal rules, what really happens is quite different and it’s not helping America and its workforce.
Now companies are not even required to recruit Americans first or even guarantee that Americans will not be displaced.
So the result is predictable: the abuse of American workers like what we see here with Disney:
What? Obama’s INS not abiding by the rules or enforcing them? Unfortunately, NOT a surprise. Again bad for America.
Don’t forget the democrats that also want cheap labor and they want democrat votors. Why do you think the democrats fight so hard to block votor ID laws? They want to be able to send non-citizens in to vote.
If the left wants intelligent foreigners, then how come they are running ads in Mexico on how to sign up for Food Stamps and letting it be known in Central America that illegals will be welcomed in the U.S..?
This is being done by socialist BO, who had a farther left voting record in the U.S. Senate than socialist party member Bernie Sanders.
The left is only about 20% of the voting public. People from Central America are more leftist than American’s. The democrat party wants to shift the demographics to guarantee themselves election wins going far into the future.
Yeah but we still have the hack.
Go after employers. The first time caught with illegals give them a big fine. The second time jerk their biz license and give them prison time. That will do more than anything. We still need to build a wall with machine gun turrets and man the wall by bringing our troops home from Korea. Hunt the illegals down and throw them out too.
Walt must be spinning in his grave!
not so sure I am a fan of Disney any longer – they are all about the Mexicans
We can close Disneyland, world or all Disney !! Just try it !!
This has been going on for a long time. People should real check out what’s really going on. This is just icing on the cake
Where at?