H-1B visas are intended to permit a limited number of skilled foreign workers with advanced science or computer skills into America to fill select jobs companies have difficulty finding in the ‘States.
However, due to a new law that leaves loopholes within federal rules, what really happens is quite different and it’s not helping America and its workforce.
Now companies are not even required to recruit Americans first or even guarantee that Americans will not be displaced.
So the result is predictable: the abuse of American workers like what we see here with Disney:
Not good Disney, Hey Bob Iger, you know full well that is NOT what Walt Disney wanted at all for America so time to grow a pair and defy DCs BS and demands here or lose Disny totally as Americans are getting sick and tired of all thgese sissy-girl companies kising DCs and Obamas butt
@[100000169847671:2048:Michele Grimes Myrick], @[100000155602460:2048:Randy Myrick]
@[1657575668:2048:Kristy Lewis]
no way id go to.this hell hole of sin
in your case…it means being a smarty pants knowing full well its a typo. nice job.
This is BS, coming soon to a town near you. Get ready Americans we are so blessed we get to train the imagrant for our jobs we are so generous ar’nt we. Come one come all we will give you everthing you need even our jobs. But you will still hate us with a p$#%&!@*ion, wont you. You even get to choose our next president. Why if I were you I would want to come here to, for all those free goodies that you get. Only in America! Give a big thankyou to our president and congress those lying sacks of xxxx who only like to pad thier pockits with our money .Doing favors for one another scratching each others back, because of our president and congress the American dream is now over.
NOT TRUE…..Disney backed down….
@[100004721738858:2048:Stephanie Nichols]
Boycott disney, let the muslims have it. Maybe the men will rape Snow white.