H-1B visas are intended to permit a limited number of skilled foreign workers with advanced science or computer skills into America to fill select jobs companies have difficulty finding in the ‘States.
However, due to a new law that leaves loopholes within federal rules, what really happens is quite different and it’s not helping America and its workforce.
Now companies are not even required to recruit Americans first or even guarantee that Americans will not be displaced.
So the result is predictable: the abuse of American workers like what we see here with Disney:
Terrible employee relations
Our government & some companies are un-American & should be dealt with. We’re not looking or acting like America any more.
Disney has done this for years, yet Americans still go and spend billions there every year.. Quit going and demand a little integrity and fairness, and this would stop..
I guess its time to stop spending our hard earned dollars at Disney Parks…if they are hit in the pocketbook, they will get the message..
This is not a new story. But it is still wrong.
And I think after the story went viral, Disney reversed its decision when it realized all the negative PR that was being generated.
boycott disney
Wtf? Illegals.
Quit patronizing businesses that are not fair and caring employers! !!
What the $hit?