H-1B visas are supposed to be for permitting a limited number of foreigners with advanced science or computer skills into the US to fill in select spots companies have a hard time finding in the States.
However, due to a new law that leaves loopholes within federal guidelines, what occurs in reality is anything but helpful for America and its working force.
Now companies are not required to recruit Americans first or even guarantee that Americans will not be displaced.
The result is the abuse of American workers like what we see here with Disney.
Won’t ever do Disney again ! They treat their help like$#%&!@*!! Give jobs away to foreign countries..
Every since Disney ripped off the farmers in Orlando stole their property and did not tell them it was Disney buying them up, I have had no use since.
It’s not just high tech jobs,it’s done in construction, slaughter houses,can you boycott eating? It’s all about getting richer,our government needs to repel h-1b and h-2b visa program, plenty of people out there that want a job
Boycott the bums. No more vacations at that swamp.
Well saves me money
#Boycott #Disney
I will not ever go to a Disney again. This is unacceptable
The communists have envaded just about everything haven’t they?
How about we decide to start practicing “honest journalism” by insisting that every article used to make a point has the DATE on it that reflects when the event actually occurred. Reusing “old” stories to incite readers over and over again is every bit as dishonest as the bullcrap that the MSM has been running the past several years. Let’s go with honest and accurate and honest depictions…