A sudden upswing in diseases long thought to be dead makes it clear that something is very wrong in America.
Thanks to stunning advances in medicine and science, we have been able to eliminate dozens of deadly ailments from society, saving thousands of lives in the process. But in spite of these tremendous strides in health, diseases like E. coli, tuberculosis, leprosy and Dengue fever are appearing once again from Washington all the way to New York.
The culprit for this resurgence of illness? Illegal immigration.
Given the inability of Mexico to deal with any number of the many problems it faces, least of all the health of it’s citizens, it is no wonder that many Mexicans are suffering from diseases eliminated in the US long ago. While this is certainly tragic, the fact that many of the infected are coming here means many Americans will be infected too.
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I say that every single individual person/body that crosses into our boarders receive a myriad of injections, gets chemical sprayed and go through the roughest battery of testing possible before they even can continue. That may deter the majority of them even thinking of coming here.
Thanks obama for bringing this c**p back in the country.
ringing foreigners here .. is infecting those here!
It’s all the illegal aliens bringing the 17th century back to us.
Bring in another$#%&!@*load of filthy diseased moslems and what do you get??
Illegal aliens are bringing in all kinds of diseases we haven’t seen before because there is no vetting.
of course open borders would allow this to happen and it plays right into dem elites plan to have the government be the heroes and save everyone. Of course on the taxpayers dime while they sit in their castles feasting and partying.
D the dam refugees brought filth and desese with them. Thanks Obama
When you let everyone in with no vetting and no health checkups, no documentation, this is what you get.