A sudden upswing in diseases long thought to be dead makes it clear that something is very wrong in America.
Thanks to stunning advances in medicine and science, we have been able to eliminate dozens of deadly ailments from society, saving thousands of lives in the process. But in spite of these tremendous strides in health, diseases like E. coli, tuberculosis, leprosy and Dengue fever are appearing once again from Washington all the way to New York.
The culprit for this resurgence of illness? Illegal immigration.
Given the inability of Mexico to deal with any number of the many problems it faces, least of all the health of it’s citizens, it is no wonder that many Mexicans are suffering from diseases eliminated in the US long ago. While this is certainly tragic, the fact that many of the infected are coming here means many Americans will be infected too.
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But by all means swallow more orange too
Because they wouldn’t let them in..They discover they are infected with TB after they are here but give them plenty of time to expose hundreds of people so we can pay for their treatment.
This is what happens when you bring in third world trash
When you don’t control the people coming into your home, you never know what you will be exposed to or how it will affect your life.
drug in by the damn refugees another reason to keep them out
The rats are bringing them with them, oh well, we get what we get, cause we did what we did – NOTHING.
Eric pray God gets a hold of your stupid little brain that has been washed in Obama/Hillary/Soros evil deeds. Be careful what you wish for are you man enough to stand the horror because you are an infidel after all.
Joan Mayfield TRUTH!
New Word Order Gang……they will “take us” anyway they can! Hope PRESIDENT TRUMP AND CONGRESS will insist on vaccinating ALL immigrants BEFORE they come to AMERICA. WHAT SAY YOU MEDICAL EXPERTS??