A sudden upswing in diseases long thought to be dead makes it clear that something is very wrong in America.
Thanks to stunning advances in medicine and science, we have been able to eliminate dozens of deadly ailments from society, saving thousands of lives in the process. But in spite of these tremendous strides in health, diseases like E. coli, tuberculosis, leprosy and Dengue fever are appearing once again from Washington all the way to New York.
The culprit for this resurgence of illness? Illegal immigration.
Given the inability of Mexico to deal with any number of the many problems it faces, least of all the health of it’s citizens, it is no wonder that many Mexicans are suffering from diseases eliminated in the US long ago. While this is certainly tragic, the fact that many of the infected are coming here means many Americans will be infected too.
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what a shock…..I just crapped in my living room, why does it smell like$#%&!@*?
Why don’t the leaders of these countries use their money to improve the health of their people by vacinations, improved water filtration and septic systems. This is what we have been doing for the past 250 years. This country has even offered to help them. But these leaders prefer to keep the money for themselves, enriching their own life while the people suffer! People in poor health and lacking education are much easier to control. I don’t care what country or what leader, if they put the welfare of their citizens first, life would improve for all. Instead they prefer to continually take from the US. The problem is soon we will be at their level and then the Goose who laid the Golden Egg will be dead! It’s not due to a lack of resources! Some of the poorest countries were the richest at one time but your leaders are corrupt and keep everything for themselves!
What’s wrong in America is all these illegal aliens and others coming in the country with these deadly diseases that are not being vetted or examined…. THAT is the problem. We didn’t have these problems until onama and his regime began importing all types of foreigners into the country. And don’t spout off about America being a country of immigrants…. things were much different back then and anyone who was ill or whatever was not allowed in the country. Whole different kettle of fish…..
Being brought in with our “refugees” coming from places that have zero healthcare.
Trash from people let in OUR COUNTRY
I wonder why? Wake up idiots !!
Well since islama dropped the disease testing for immigrants i guess we will be seeing alot of this.
It’s because of all the immigrates that were infected before they came here
True. Joann