A sudden upswing in diseases long thought to be dead makes it clear that something is very wrong in America.
Thanks to stunning advances in medicine and science, we have been able to eliminate dozens of deadly ailments from society, saving thousands of lives in the process. But in spite of these tremendous strides in health, diseases like E. coli, tuberculosis, leprosy and Dengue fever are appearing once again from Washington all the way to New York.
The culprit for this resurgence of illness? Illegal immigration.
Given the inability of Mexico to deal with any number of the many problems it faces, least of all the health of it’s citizens, it is no wonder that many Mexicans are suffering from diseases eliminated in the US long ago. While this is certainly tragic, the fact that many of the infected are coming here means many Americans will be infected too.
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Due to all the illegals coming into our country
Yep if u would have closed borders we would be healthy like we used to be
You are so right scott. We have stood by long enough till we are back to step one again on so many issues.
Keep the dirty basterds out
Poisons have been introduced into food air and water as well as doctors are the 3rd leading cause of death. So introducing actual diseases to do this is obbiously just as intentional. This is no accident people. Lucky for me I am healthy and have access to cutting edge technologies from the wellness industies best minds.
No one is to blame for d spread of diseases but d admins. for letting this undocumented illegals enter our country , not thinking about d bad cosequences , like crime , diseases, n drain to our economy.
Brought here by Muslims that weren’t vetted by the normal immigration process.
Let us not forget, just a short time ago you could not enroll your children in school without current shot records…now optional???? Who’s bright idea? I know there are parents who don’t want to vaccinate their children, but also do t care if others get sick because of it, newborns blind because or measles to pregnant moms…these very same are ones screaming every life counts…we need children to be vacinated…all imagrants be quarantined and vacinated before allowing g in…..of course stopping all illegals for now is the best, get a plan, use those empty fema camps for holding once we take any new.
thats what happens when you let low-life stay at the wh, obola’s family disease bin is now open