At this point, anybody who does not believe that Hillary Clinton is a massive hypocrite is either delusional or willfully ignorant of the gaping disconnect between her beliefs and her actions.
Taking cues from her one-time rival turned cowed supporter Bernie Sanders, the Democratic candidate has started slamming the wealthy on the campaign trail, calling for them to stop taking advantage of so-called tax “loopholes” and pay “their fair share.” As part of this crusade against prosperity, Clinton has voiced her support for increasing the “death tax”, or rules requiring multimillionaires to surrender a portion of their assets to the IRS after they pass away.
But just as it was with her denouncing Wall Street even as she made a killing speaking before them behind closed doors, Hillary’s one to talk about keeping rich people from ensuring their estates retain as much of their assets as possible. She did, after all, arrange to do the same thing for her holdings after she dies.
Learn more about Hillary’s hypocrisy on the death tax on the next page:
Wayne Justus Partridge , Then this a week later on Shawn Lucas !!————————————————————————>>ANOTHER YOUNG MAN Found DEAD After Serving DNC With Papers In Fraud Suit On Behalf Of Bernie Sanders [VIDEO]
That’s the third suspicious death of a man tied in some way to Hillary. Does anyone in law enforcement have an accurate body count of suspicious deaths tied to Hillary? We recently questioned the suspicious murder of 27 year old Democrat Data Director Seth Rich, as he was walking home through his affluent Washington DC neighborhood. He was beaten and shot in the back, but apparently nothing of any value was taken from his body, which would likely mean robbery was not a motive. If robbery wasn’t a motive and the police still have no clues…what exactly was the motive for his brutal murder? In our previous article, we explored the possibility that he may have been about to blow the whistle on voter fraud. Does anyone have an actual tally of the number of people who had ties to the Clintons that ended up dead?
Now Bernie Sanders supporter and activist Shawn Lucas is found dead.
On July 3, 2016, Shawn Lucas and filmmaker Ricardo Villaba served the DNC Services Corp. and Chairperson Debbie Wasserman Schultz at DNC’s headquarters in Washington, D.C., in the fraud class action suit against the Democrat Party on behalf of Bernie Sanders supporters.
Shawn Lucas was thrilled about serving the papers to the DNC before Independence Day.
According to Snopes Lucas was found dead on his bathroom floor.
We contacted Lucas’ employer on 4 August 2016 to ask whether there was any truth to the rumor. According to an individual with whom we spoke at that company, Shawn Lucas died on 2 August 2016. The audibly and understandably shaken employee stated that interest in the circumstances of Lucas’ death had prompted a number of phone calls and other queries, but the company had not yet ascertained any details about Lucas’ cause of death and were unable to confirm anything more than the fact he had passed away.
An unconfirmed report holds that Lucas was found lying on the bathroom floor by his girlfriend when she returned home on the evening of 2 August 2016. Paramedics responding to her 911 call found no signs of life.
** This was before Wikileaks released documents proving the DNC was working against the Sanders campaign during the 2016 primary.
Shawn Lucas was found dead this week.
Wayne Justus Partridge , So I trust this poll here over any news media poll regardless of ” who’s ” !!——-copy post !!————————–>Real 1000 people pr state 50,000 people poll Trump/Clinton
Marsha Conrad Here is what a Real Poll looks like in America. Please take the Time to Read.. A Total of 50,000 people Polled in 50 States….
PG Farnsworth We have just completed our own poll since we cannot get factual information from the mainstream media!! We called 1000 homes in each of the 50 states and asked basic questions on the economy, terrorism, immigration and presidential pick.
Economy was the number one factor that Americans are concerned about and terrorism was number two.
Presidential pick was Trump by a large percentage.
Trump 33478 votes 67%
Clinton 9788 Votes 19%
Undecided or other 6739 votes 13%
My friends and I are all Graduate students from all walks of life we meet to discuss stuff. 13 people who like and have served in the Military. It took us most of two weeks to be sure our calls were to all people and not just one party or an other we called Americans.. our poll is by taking registered voter lists and we accumulated 33% repub, 33% dems and 34% ind.. our poll consisted of 1000 calls per state. all 50 states. 50,000 people are in this poll not the 100 like other polls.
Someone with balls needs to put her$#%&!@*IN PRISON.
Go President Trump!
All the Clintons Obama and most of the democrats is doing is using the American people for thier own gain ,as in money &power.lf we americans let this continue then we are no better then the corruption in washington ..The Democrats has it all set up for that Criminal Hillary to win the Election ,cause they know lf an Honest man gets in as POTUS thier Money & Power will diminish and they can’t handle it ..lf this happens then we will be the sheep led to slaughter..All my life l have believed in Honesty but l see now so many have turned thier backs on Honesty and for that we now live in a Hell hole and lf Hillary gets Elected our hell hole will turn into a firey furnace like we have never seen before and nothing we Honest people can do about it but pray that God will help us .When the debates start they will not be fair cause Hillary already knows what the questions are ,at this moment she is being rehearsed on the answers ..And at the voteing booths most of Trump’s votes will be given to her..So when will America Wake up and smell the air l only hope before its to late ..The Media never has a press conference with Hillary all because they are on the Democrats pay roll….All the Democrats wants to do is bring in more illegals that will take all that the american citizen should have ..l hope people in this nation WAKE UP BEFORE ITS TO LATE !!!
Hang her now . Make an example for all the other self planted terrorist.
I will never get tired of reposting this:
How I feel!!! If you do not agree, that’s fine with me. I know a lot more that DO than DON’T!!!!
Had to share this: Ok people, soap box moment………
Millions of trump supporters feel this way about Donald J. Trump…..”We don’t care if the guy swears… or how many times he’s been married…or who he voted for, or what his income tax return shows. We want the problems fixed. Yes he’s an egomaniac, but we don’t care. We know he’s not a racist, or bad to women, or all the other things the liberal media is trying to label him with. We know he’s raised a good family, and that says a lot about him.
The country is a mess because politicians suck, the Republican Party is two faced & gutless, and illegals are everywhere and Muslims are openly trying to hurt this country and make the civilized world adjust to them. We want it all fixed!
We don’t care that Trump is crude, we don’t care that he has changed positions, we don’t care that he fights with Megan Kelly, Rosie O’Donnell, and so many of the elected establishment. We don’t care that Rubio, Cruz, Ryan, the Bush’s, and so many other top old and new Republicans refuse to endorse him for their own selfish reasons, and we know what they are. We don’t care that he doesn’t know the name of some Muslim terrorists, we don’t care that he tried some businesses that didn’t work out.
This country is weak, bankrupt, our enemies are making fun of us, we are being invaded by illegals, we are becoming a nation of victims, where every Tom, Ricardo and Hasid is a special group with special rights to a point where we don’t even recognize the country we were born and raised in, AND WE JUST WANT IT FIXED. And TRUMP is the only guy who seems to understand what the people want.
We’re sick of politicians, sick of the Democratic and Republican Party. We’re angry about the Iran deal, the budget, treatment of Israel, military weakness, lobbyists, special interests, overpaid politicians with their self serving bills and back room deals, trade deals, loss of jobs, manipulated economic numbers, businesses fleeing, and even the phoney pay for play Clinton Foundation.
Americans are no longer going to be fooled, and the movement is out to change the direction we’re taking. Trump may not be a saint, but he doesn’t have lobbyist money holding him, he doesn’t have political correctness restraining him, and all you know is that he has been very successful, a good negotiator, he has built a lot of things, he’s flexible, and he’s also not a politician. And he says he’ll fix it. And we believe him because he is too much of an egotist to be proven wrong or looked at and called a liar.
Public service has become elected greed. This may be our only chance to have a non-politician, despite his flaws, try and correct the mess, at least for 4 years. We must take the shot, because the consequences of putting Hillary Clinton in office are frightening. There is a tidal wave happening, and its going to overcome much of what’s happened to this country. If you feel the same you may feel free to repost this.
everyone knows how corrupt and crooked old hillary really is. they just don’t care and just keep voting democrat like some have all their life. they to will have to live with what they have done if she should win and they and their families will live to regret it. that fact they can be sure of