Disabled Navy Veteran, Rick Bailey, is the latest victim of the gun paranoia propagated by the left that has manifested in a complete violation of Constitutional rights. He recently had all his firearms confiscated by a judge entirely based on alleged claims by his neighbor.
Bailey had been arguing with his neighbor, Dustin Moss, for some months over an landscaping issue. This past March 16th things took a turn for the worse after Bailey called the police on Moss for a strong smell of toxic chemicals emanating from his Moss’ home. Moss followed up the next day by filing for a protective order with the courthouse claiming Bailey threatened to shoot him. Bailey adamantly denies the allegations and no prior threat of violence had been filed against the veteran.
Despite having no evidence other than the allegations made by Moss, Judge Baxter still issued the protective order. The judge also attached a separate injunction to confiscate all of Mr. Bailey’s firearms.
(See documents below)
The same day that Judge Baxter issued the injunctions, the Glendale police department confiscated Bailey’s collection of firearms that took him a lifetime to accumulate. Bailey told me that 28 guns were taken valued at over $25,000. Within his collection was a World War 2 era M1 Garand valued at $5500, and a Winchester 1897 pump shotgun.
Mr. Bailey obviously plans to appeal these court orders, as there’s no truth to Moss’s claims whatsoever.Furthermore, the laws that got Mr. Bailey’s guns taken away are the same type of so-called “Gun Sense” laws that today’s anti-gun groups are lobbying for.
A Go Fund Me page has been set up to assist Mr. Bailey with his legal fees he’ll likely encounter attempting to recover his guns.
One nation under god and we want our country back
We MUST stand up folks. The Leftist communist keep calling themselves the real patriots and calling those on the right $#%&!@* communists.
Their game is all about backwards realities.
Kill your neighbor. He infringed on your right to liberty. Easy enough
WHat tthis is is abuse of an already stupid domestice violence statute. Somebody with good intentions thought that if someone filed a restraining order against their partner after a domestic violence call, they should have to surrender their firearms/ccw license until the matter was settled. On it’s face, who wants to say they are for battered women getting shot? Problem is DV is usually he said she said, and you can’t take people property without some sort of hearing at the very least. It’s a case of a bad law with good intentions, and this is exactly how I predicted it wuld be misused when they passed it in my home state of Florid.a
Sounds like $#%&!@* to me!
Any excuse is a good excuse, don’t worry, it’s going to get allot worse.
This neighbor needs to be sued and hope he never needs protected!!!He should get his guns back!!!
the judge had no true proof of this so it was wrong for this to happen the person that told the lie needs sued and the judge needs removed from the bar for the un cons$#%&!@*utional ruling
“Guilty till proven innocent”. When did that become law?
Richard Mullen it’s been that way for years now.
Many Judges make extra money by sending people to jail & prison.