Preparing to serve and protect New York City during the 4th of July weekend, NYPD officers are monitoring the city like never before. In a brief video report (See clip on the next page) Fox News details some of the unusual monitoring and security measures the department is taking due to concerns of a possible radiation attack.
Watch the clip after the jump:
Be careful and may God be with you out there.
Nuclear Dirty bombs by radicals brought into this country
It’s the mother ship trafficking her services, now don’t throw rocks, but knowledge is power.
well they obviously know something…they are just not telling us because we might panic I think
So NOW North merica has to live under the threat of nuclear attack …NOT from another country …but from the s$#%&!@* …that your s$#%&!@* president lets into the country. I love my American brothers & sisters …but y’all got to do something about that muslim p***k …he is threatening the ENTIRE free world! How …when the greatest nation in the world falls …Canada & the rest go like dominos!
Location Location Location.
I have 3 family members that work for the NYPD. Radiation detection devises are standard on all bridges and many of the ESU units. And believe it or not they go off on a monthly basis. Today is no then any other day. It would seem too obvious to create a false flag event today. At least I would hope so…
well, Brandon Knapp, you’re aware the CIA and Israel trained ISIS in Jordan correct?
i love how people still use the ‘tinfoil-hat’ thing to diminish what some one is saying, you must be a special kind of troll
nope, regular as the rest who don’t know anything
In this day and age, not a bad idea for daily wear..