With all the reports coming in of refugee unrest in Western Europe, President Obama has finally broken his silence on the issue by stating his plans to have 10,000 refugees flown into the United States for resettlement.
After all of the news coming in that ISIS fighters are hiding among the refugees, it seems mighty convenient for a president whose every move seems to work against America. The Director of National Intelligence has issued clear warnings about it, but like everything else that sounds like a bad idea, President Obama is doing it anyway.
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I have just one question: why isn’t The 57 Muslim country that should be take these Muslim refugee in refusing to take these Muslim could it because in the mix is a lot of ISIS rebels radical Muslims. The EU or Americas our any Western countries that has freedom of religion shouldn’t be taking these Muslin into their countries. As soon as these Muslim settle in they start trying to overthrow and force Sharia law pushing change too their host country. Looks like this is the Answer why they don’t http://www.truthandaction.org/refugees-chanting-allahu-akbar-fk-throws-excrement/ ///////////////////////////////////// THE PRIME MINISTER HUNGARY AND ISRAEL IS DOING WHAT THEY MUST DO TO SECURE THEIR OWN COUNTRY FIRST. They should be commended for it, not condemned. Hungary for one knows the problems that follows once Muslim are excepted. Hungary not only doesn’t want to be invaded again by Muslims, his country is not economically able to feed, and clothe thousands of people that need care and shelter. This is why http://www.truthandaction.org/refugees-chanting-allahu-akbar-fk-throws-excrement/
all part of his big plan to destroy us, and stay in power as a dictator!
I have been saying that all along
No surprise fits the plan
We can’t even take Bibles to their countries, but they want us to take them in —- NO WAY
make them eat a ham sandwich and kiss a pig
There goes the U.S. death rate . Thanls Obama & Demo-rats.
of course they are
nothing we can do the gov is full of them too