Mitch McConnell’s new AUMF bill is proving to be a glorified war clause. This bill could allow the president to declare international, martial law. It’s not just the war on ISIS that would use this clause to it’s advantage, it could also give the government the power to declare war on the people of the United States.
Chris Murphy, a democratic senator, is speaking out against the bill and the harm it has the potential of causing the law-abiding people of the United States. The Authorization for Use of Military Force is meant to target ISIS, wherever it may be. Unfortunately for most of the worlds population, ISIS and ISIS supporters can be found all over the globe and this bill will give American soldiers the ability to enter any country, without opposition, and with little to no rules to abide by. To see why even Democrats like Chris Murphy’s oppose this bill, check out his speech on the next page. When even his own party members show this level of resistance, all Americans should be concerned!
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Looks like Obama and his supporters are pushing to see how far they can push us. The birds are flying now, they better watch out, they will get$#%&!@*on. Murphy does not know what the hell he is talking about
Where is Congress – the Courts, why are you letting this happen> You should scream bloody murder until all your colleagues get as fired up as you seem to be. Who is running the show here, there is a majority of Republicans in both houses and yet you are doing nothing, here and there some talk which will not help You’ve got to impeach this person or at minimum block ever perverted this he does!!!
Obama has all ready changed it how do you thank the Muslims got hear do a little research 414-(404) Jimmy Carter add something on it to about Muslims be as well. Obama walk right around them as well look it up.
They’re ticking me off. Their treason is reaching the point where we the people are going to have to take action. Drastic action.
Yeah! And we will repeat history.
Amen! I’m 61 and willing to die to keep this country free for my 9 children and 17 grandchildren.
nothing but treason.. What Americans allow, is what will be. It is time to start hanging lawgivers.
Wrong America stand strong. These$#%&!@*hats want you to think that our Constitution means nothing. Its still stands in the USA.