Mitch McConnell’s new AUMF bill is proving to be a glorified war clause. This bill could allow the president to declare international, martial law. It’s not just the war on ISIS that would use this clause to it’s advantage, it could also give the government the power to declare war on the people of the United States.
Chris Murphy, a democratic senator, is speaking out against the bill and the harm it has the potential of causing the law-abiding people of the United States. The Authorization for Use of Military Force is meant to target ISIS, wherever it may be. Unfortunately for most of the worlds population, ISIS and ISIS supporters can be found all over the globe and this bill will give American soldiers the ability to enter any country, without opposition, and with little to no rules to abide by. To see why even Democrats like Chris Murphy’s oppose this bill, check out his speech on the next page. When even his own party members show this level of resistance, all Americans should be concerned!
Its time for the convention of states to move in!
Can’t be done outside an act of Congress then held in review of the House.Not sure if theSupreme court has to weigh in on this.Lastly theAmerican voters have major play and say in this thru representatives
F**k him if he does he will be the first to fall
Obama has no intention to leave office. Either Marshall law or he will declare war. The sheep in Congress have allowed this ?????? to rule. His change is not complete as yet. The worse is yet to come. GOD BLESS AMERICA! !!!!
This is how that Muslim scumbag intends to stay in office !!
The whole point of this is to get troops from NATo to come on our soil and protect obummer and his cronies !!
Keep your eyes on Germany and the big bilderberg group meeting,$#%&!@*is going to hit the fan-prepare yourself.
Stop this non-sense!
One thing about martial law, it will keep out illegals too!
He needs to get Obama out of office no matter what party he is.