Mitch McConnell’s new AUMF bill is proving to be a glorified war clause. This bill could allow the president to declare international, martial law. It’s not just the war on ISIS that would use this clause to it’s advantage, it could also give the government the power to declare war on the people of the United States.
Chris Murphy, a democratic senator, is speaking out against the bill and the harm it has the potential of causing the law-abiding people of the United States. The Authorization for Use of Military Force is meant to target ISIS, wherever it may be. Unfortunately for most of the worlds population, ISIS and ISIS supporters can be found all over the globe and this bill will give American soldiers the ability to enter any country, without opposition, and with little to no rules to abide by. To see why even Democrats like Chris Murphy’s oppose this bill, check out his speech on the next page. When even his own party members show this level of resistance, all Americans should be concerned!
It’s all coming to a head
This kind of power is not constitutional.
Go ahead declare martial law and you just open the door to Civil War I can guarantee you 83 million gun owners will come after your asses including me so go ahead declare martial law and see what can of worms you just opened up because they’ll be a lot of dead politicians
Go ahead there are more than 200 million legal gun owners in america !
Obummer is no dummy, folks. He is determined to make America another third world country. Read Dreams of my Father.
Obama is NOT a king or dictator, he can’t will things to fit his mold!!
This nut case is a Obama suck$#%&!@*he will tell you anything. The reason they tell you that is they are afraid of Obama and don’t want to impeach his$#%&!@* because it makes them look like they are picking on a poor black man.. Get out of the goverment hell get out of the United states. you chicken$#%&!@* cry baby’s.
You are correct Ted I recommend that every American buy all the gun’s they can carry and all of the Ammunition they can afford. When we start killing theses dumb$#%&!@*we want to make sure we get them all.
Have we heard enough yet? Where is congress.
That would/could be a BIG MISTAKE to “try”. Who the hell would help him, vallery jarrett, and moshell? Not the Cops, sheriffs, or Military. The trash at the “un” should know better as well.