Mitch McConnell’s new AUMF bill is proving to be a glorified war clause. This bill could allow the president to declare international, martial law. It’s not just the war on ISIS that would use this clause to it’s advantage, it could also give the government the power to declare war on the people of the United States.
Chris Murphy, a democratic senator, is speaking out against the bill and the harm it has the potential of causing the law-abiding people of the United States. The Authorization for Use of Military Force is meant to target ISIS, wherever it may be. Unfortunately for most of the worlds population, ISIS and ISIS supporters can be found all over the globe and this bill will give American soldiers the ability to enter any country, without opposition, and with little to no rules to abide by. To see why even Democrats like Chris Murphy’s oppose this bill, check out his speech on the next page. When even his own party members show this level of resistance, all Americans should be concerned!
100 million gun owners an guess whos going first ?
I saw this earlier on Facebook…This is the only section I am willing to share of this email: You’re not going to see any of the candidates as President. None of them. The elections are manipulated. It’s all about subversion, brother. Violence will erupt at the DNC and RNC, causing emotional tempers to escalate further for supporters of all the candidates. This will draw out until November. On election night, Trump will receive 263 electoral votes, Hillary will receive 260, and a third party candidate will receive 15, forcing Congress to invoke the 12th Amendment. Both Trump and Hillary will contest. Sporadic, isolated riots and civil disturbances will take place across the country, starting in major urban centers. The violence is intended to spread as Congress hangs on the first two votes with no decision. This will get the ball rolling for sectional nationwide violence. Under the premises of national security, POTUS will declare a “National Emergency” and declare martial law nationwide. Due to the nature of the situation, the UN will get involved, performing acts of control actions the country, in every neighborhood, under the auspices of a “Humanitarian Crises in the U.S.”7,000 UN troops are already on U.S. soil. DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis has been releasing their Intelligence Assessments (IAs) for the last three years on this. One IA has relabeled the “dissidents” to “SCEs”, or Sovereign Citizen Extremists. I have a copy of the IA’s.Also, during our nationwide conference call for the Response Division in FEMA/DHS this previous Thursday, we were advised that under direct authorization of the President, FEMA is now the PRIMARY response agency for ALL counterterrorism events, Zika viral outbreaks, and Ebola viral outbreaks. He mandated this last Tuesday, after he received his national preparedness briefing at the NRCC at headquarters. POTUS doesn’t just pop into HQ….he normally gets his briefings at the EOP
I saw this one comming. This evil man wants to stay in office
BUT no change is allowed without a vote or public review,and America knows Barry Sotoro is a criminal,liar,aka Obama.and Congress knows too.America is ready to take our Country back,and put the politicians in jail for incompetence.
If Obama has this kind of power – power that was never given to the Executive branch it is because Congress let him have it. They are the complicit ones – and they know if and when Trump is elected he will clean house of their corruption and expose them for what they really are. Traitors – it’s not just Obama.. it’s the whole damn lot..
He has already declared war on the USA and it’s citizens!
If he does this he dies
What part they don’t understand it’s not to be infringed on amen therefore should they try they will be committing treason against Americans and tyranny against america amen therefore should be arrested for terrorist attacks on Americans and America amen
What he wants and what he gets are two different things altogether.