Former President George H.W. Bush is being accused of sexually assaulting women from his wheelchair.
Earlier this week, actress Heather Lind alleged that former president George H.W. Bush had sexually assaulted her. Since Lind came forward, another actress has come forward to share a similar story.
Lind was motivated to come forward when an image of former President Obama shaking hands with former President George H.W. Bush went viral.
Here is where things get interesting. Former President George H.W. Bush has already responded to these ladies. He is not backing down and he sure as heck ain’t feeling any too bad about this situation.
Head on over to hear what former President George H.W. Bush had to say in response to these ladies.
I hope he gets so senile that he starts spilling the beans about JFK and 9/11, and his crew has to coldly murder him to keep him quiet.
Yes it’s pretty sad, because most likely truly happened. I have never trusted the bushes since they are skull and bones.
Hey, maybe they could charge him with ASSAULT WITH A DEAD WEAPON!
Many of these women are emboldened money seeking predators.
so what he’s an old man deserves some happieness i his old age its not like he raped her the b******t prude
My God the guy is ninety ( surprised he didn’t have a heart attack )
Pathetic old fool .
1st He is Former President he is not President anymore so there is none of this fair game c**p he is a private citizen, if a faint pat and off color joke offends you then I’m calling you a liar! You know Damon good and well you’ve laughed at many dirty jokes, and didn’t complain at gropes far more intrusive. 2nd if a 90 year old woman grabbed me I won’t whine about it like some wimpy sack of horse manure. I’d politely move and make a joke, laugh it off. He/She who makes you mad controls you.OF
Connie Mareck except that this “dude” as you call him probably doesn’t even know what he is doing.