Did George H.W. Bush Really Say it is Funny to Grab Women’s Buttocks Without Consent?

Former President George H.W. Bush is being accused of grabbing women’s buttocks from his wheelchair during photo ops.

Two women have come forward the former President told her a lewd joke and touched her rear right in front of Barbara.

Heather Lind, 34, who starred in AMC’s series ‘Turn: Washington’s Spies’, made the allegations against the 93-year-old former president on Instagram in a lengthy post with accompanying photos. 

‘When I got the chance to meet George H. W. Bush four years ago to promote a historical television show I was working on, he sexually assaulted me while I was posing for a similar photo. He didn’t shake my hand. He touched me from behind from his wheelchair with his wife Barbara Bush by his side. He told me a dirty joke,’ Lind alleges.

The other women shares the former President asked her “Do you know who my favorite comedian is? David Cop-a-feel.

Jordan Grolnick, a New York actress, said that she has a similar story to the one Heather Lind shared about the former president fondling her during a photo op, according to Deadspin.

Deadspin reported that a source said the “joke” the statement refers to was Bush saying that his favorite magician was “David-Cop-A-Feel.”

Former President George H.W. Bush is not denying that he enjoys grabbing young women’s buttocks from time-to-time with permission.

Bush apologized through a spokesman in a statement earlier Wednesday. The statement said that “on occasion, he has patted women’s rears in what he intended to be a good-natured manner” and routinely tells a joke.

‘President Bush would never – under any circumstance – intentionally cause anyone distress, and he most sincerely apologizes if his attempt at humor offended Ms. Lind.’

This case brings up a good question. What exactly is sexual assault?

I see both sides. I don’t think former President George H.W. Bush meant to cause any harm by grabbing those young ladies buttocks. Furthermore, I don’t think a 93-year-old man feebly reaching out from a wheelchair to ‘cop-a-feel’ constitutes sexual assault.

BUT his alibi is ridiculous. He was thinking of himself. How many men deep down really think some woman wants an elderly man in a wheelchair grabbing her buttock in a public setting? Or wise-verse and a man being grabbed. That happens as well!

A joke is dependent on the teller’s understanding of their listeners. Humor involves perception and empathy. George H.W. Bush sure didn’t seem to display any of the qualities with his attempts at “humor”…

That is why I don’t accept his apology. He could have said “You know I’m an old man. I’m going to die soon. I wanted to grab one more nice young piece of ass before I go. Nobody is going to do anything – I’m an old man. So, I did it because I could.” That is the truth. Why not just say that?

Source: Daily Mail MSN

Image: Chron




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