Dianne Feinstein stated that she believes that many countries, including the United States, have terrorist sleeper cells – although she didn’t state how many she speculates exist.
“I think there are sleeper cells not only in France but certainly in other countries and, yes, in our own,” Feinstein told CNN. “This calls for vigilance. … Hopefully, we can be more active in terms of doing those things which enable us to find terrorists, see who they’re communicating with and to track that.”
So, Feinstein, you want to get rid of our guns and at the same time you admit we are in danger?
She is a nut with a AK-47 in her hand’s she is a Terrorist Sleeper Cell out in California .
I am always facinated by you guys.
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Did you know…
Back in 2003 to about 2011 most MUSLIM AMERICANS voted Republican?
Don’t believe me?
Go ahead and research it… I dare ya.
Get this corrupt wicked old troll out of governent. 🙁
Stupid beyatch wouldn’t know a terrorist even if he stood in front of her and POINTED a gun right between her eyes!!!!!! JS
She is anti American. She needs a psych evaluation
wicked witch that she is
She has been there too long impeach her!!
I’m so sick of her!
Will someone please show her how to handle a fire arm correctly before she hurts somebody, The woman is Bunkers.
This woman needs committed to a mental ward