Dianne Feinstein stated that she believes that many countries, including the United States, have terrorist sleeper cells – although she didn’t state how many she speculates exist.
“I think there are sleeper cells not only in France but certainly in other countries and, yes, in our own,” Feinstein told CNN. “This calls for vigilance. … Hopefully, we can be more active in terms of doing those things which enable us to find terrorists, see who they’re communicating with and to track that.”
So, Feinstein, you want to get rid of our guns and at the same time you admit we are in danger?
She needs to be compatible in a state ran home for the mentally challenged.
Why is she still in office?
I am willing to die to keep my guns the question is are you willing to die trying to take them
I too……see a PoliticalTerrorist. Dr. Freaky stein/aka….dumba$$edBiotch. She lives in a condo with armed security……What Me Worry? That’s OK…..the Big Bang is coming and when it does I’ll bet she learns how to use that in a hurry?
Get rid of her she is lost her marbles
i hope she is going to turn that on her self that would be real great.
Aliberal fool !
Safety rule#1 , don’t put your finger on the trigger UNLESS you are READY to discharge firearm. This lady should scare the c**p out of ANYONE in that room !
She needs to go. Californians! Diane Feinstein is one of the problem California. Unvote Diane Feinstein.
ok, oldie and baddie. go back to bed and let the better equipped mentally handle the real issues of terror. A well Armed Militia.