In a recent Fox and Friends broadcast, ex-DOJ official J. Christian Adams came forward to expose a new DHS program that seeks to add as many non-citizens onto voter rolls in time for the 2016 elections as possible.
“What they’re doing is doing a full-court press on getting these aliens – 9,000,000 of them – registered as citizens in time for the 2016 election,” Adams said. “They’re redirecting resources of DHS to this effort, this campaign.”
Of course democrats like to cheat and foreigners like democrats for free stuff
Treason,, Treason,, and more treason, until the day we begin hanging lawgivers.
We need to stand against this. This is blatantly anti american!
So repubs gerrymandering and forcing the poor and old to have id’s is not cheating…….give me a break……..the poor out number the rich…..progressives out number the moderates…..America has changed, and we are not going backwards anymore…….get use to it…
Please listen. I have been stressing this and people need to know. I do not care if you read the bible or if you blame modern society. You can call me crazy but I am not. Look/listen/watch. PLEASE Take the 30 minutes of what is only the top of the iceberg. We need Donald Trump For President more than you know. Copy, share I don’t care. We need to stop NWO. Be forewarned America. We need to Join Trump and stop NWO. He is the only one on our side. You see it happening but probably don’t want to believe. There is another documentary which is long but I will share this. I also have info on Cruz’s wife who is part of this. Scary$#%&!@*and we need to stop it now. That is why they are hell bent to keep Trump out. Make that 5 horses for the Bush family with Kasich in Ohio. Link below. Jeb groomed Marco. George groomed Ted and Heidi. George 41 worked with Rafael. And Ted funded Carly so
#NeverCruz #NeverRubio #NeverKasich #NEVERBUSH
Bush 41 in his own words!
No more Bush/Clinton/Obama
Heidi Cruz also worked in the Bush Admin and is a Task Force Member here…/building-north-american…/p8102
NAU Reagan to Cruz…/video-why…/
Why did Ted Cruz fund Carly Fiorina’s campaign last fall? #NeverCruz…/why-did-ted-cruzs-pac-give…/
Add Kasich to thwart the will of the people!!…/
And you see this coming because they are already talking about it.
Copy and Share widely. Trump is the only one who can save Western Civilisation.
Voltaire once wrote:
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who are not allowed to criticize!”
Donald Trump will be accused of being non Politically Correct by the USA political establishment infinitum.
Don’t Trust Fox news, CNN, ABC, Bloomberg, Reuters, BBC. Fox news et al profits from the consensus pushed by its glamour puss presenters such as Megyn Kelly, who cannot operate beyond her hair extensions and her pre-vetted, prompted scripts.
Please note, Fox news is owned by Rupert Murdoch who has partnered with Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal (a Saudi Shariah Prince) who have profited greatly for the past 20 years from the geo-political consensus.
Please note, that political correctness terms such as ‘Racism’ was invented by Leon Trotsky in order to brow beat his then democratic opposition into silence.
Trump will destroy the consensus of big statist politics that the Democrats and Republicans have stealthily operated under for the last 60 years. If the USA changes towards reducing the waste of the State, increasing personal liberty and the individual ‘Free Will’ to choose his or her own personal destiny, then the USA and the free world (UK, Canada, Australia and Israel will prosper.) Europe is under the Federalist EU so will atrophy and die as it is doing now.
Please understand that Mr Donald Trump will shatter the ‘Rules of Fraud’ that govern our daily lives in the USA and the West which includes, but not exclusive to:
• Political Correctness.
• Global warming which is fraudulently alleged is man-made. CO2 is a pollutant for example! Plants love CO2.
• Multi culturalism. Which leads to divide and rule by the consensus elite.
• Uncontrolled immigration, more divide and rule.
• Unabated and unashamed Islamification of the Western way of life. Further experimental divide and rule which will lead to the absolute ruin of Western civilization leaving Koranic cruelty and evil in its wake.
• The abandonment of traditional Geo-political allies such as Israel by Obama in favour of anti-Western, Islamic regimes such as the theological Iran and its genocidal Mullahs.
• The concept of the successful single parent family that has to be supported by the State.
• The Partnership of Government and Corporates which is a characteristic of Fascist government.
*Auditing the Federal Reserve
• Destroying the USA Constitution and the Separation of Powers the only real check on Oligarchical and Oligopoly government which we have in the USA and the UK. For example, Obamas attempted destruction of the ‘Right to Bear Arms’ wisely constitutionally enshrined in the 2nd Amendment by the prescient Founding Fathers to be the ultimate ‘Individuals’ check on big Statist, insecure Government.
All the above new Statist ‘Rules’, are currently leading to World Government, with Agenda 21 being the core of the stated World Government objective via the UN.
George Bush and Tony Blair made the Bush and Blair family rich with their Iraq wars.
Obama and the Clintons have made themselves rich through Obama care, the Clinton foundation and the love of big corporations and their offshore profits such as: Amazon, Uber, Goldman Sachs. ‘Big Banks’ are now forever economically ‘precedented’ as ‘Too big too fail’. The big Banks previous bail outs (and more to come) have ensured that Western future generations will be paying for their greed and ‘Sub-prime’ derivative products for years to come in the form of higher taxes.
The Government, be it the Republican Party, the Democrat Party, the UN, the EU, the Tories, Labour is not your friend.
We as free men who contribute through our toil are paying for the above oligopoly political elites’ Statist meddling in our affairs.
Trump can’t be bought off. THEREFORE He is not Politically Correct. He will be besmirched, ridiculed even by so called ‘Fair and$#%&!@*Balanced’ Fox News and may even be assassinated.
Trump understands how Western civilization is being torn apart by debt. Trump is a debt re negotiation specialist. Trump has fought back from Bankruptcy several times to great success. Trump is a debt negotiation specialist. No one like him in the World today. The USA is bust. The USA has over $20 trillion and counting of Fiscal Debt to be re negotiated.
For Further reading, please read:…/summary-of…
Trump knows that the Federal Reserve is the Biggest Ponzi scheme out there second to Global Warming.
Trump knows this.!
The Federal Reserve is Owned and controlled in a cartel structiue by banks like Goldman Sachs. !
Audit the Federal Reserve now. !
Any Political Candidate like Cruz who is backed by Goldman Sachs or any of the banks that own the Federal Reserve, will never audit the Federal Reserve and bring about real meaningful change.!…/10-things-that…
We have to pray for Trump’s safety in order to change the metaphysical vibrancy of linear events.
Trumps life is in great danger.
Trump is challenging the Establishment head on like a bull.
As for Mitt Romney. Mitt is a destroyer of companies. He takes them over using private equity and then runs them into the ground after looting the cash. Please see link:…/mitt-romney-real-super-fraud…
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
US National Debt Clock : Real Time U.S. National Debt Clock
Of course corruption at work
Same thing Clinton and gore did. Corrupt government! People we have to stand together and take our country back!
Lol..what ye gonna get on the train ?
Illegal aliens are not immigrants, stop trying to down play their crime
Yaa everyone needs id for almost anything ..geez