Whistleblower, Philip Haney, who served the United States for 15 years, at Homeland Security, maintains that President Obama has not “faithfully carried out his duty to guard Americans against terrorism”. In a video interview, WND reported that the administration refused to acknowledge the existence of information linking terror groups and individuals.
Philip Haney left DHS believing that Obama had enforced political scrubbing of Muslim intelligence records needed to stop future terror attacks.
The following testimony from Philip Haney, breaking his silence, uncovers how Obama has kept the DHS from using their intelligence gathered to connect the dots and stop terror attacks. Travel back to 2009, when Flight 253 would have been blown up had the passengers not subdued Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. Obama excoriated the DHS for dropping the ball.
Amid the chaos of the 2009 holiday travel season, jihadists planned to slaughter 290 innocent travelers on a Christmas Day flight from the Netherlands to Detroit, Michigan. Twenty-three-year old Nigerian Muslim Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab intended to detonate Northwest Airlines Flight 253, but the explosives in his underwear malfunctioned and brave passengers subdued him until he could be arrested. The graphic and traumatic defeat they planned for the United States failed, that time.
Following the attempted attack, President Obama threw the intelligence community under the bus for its failure to “connect the dots.” He said, “this was not a failure to collect intelligence, it was a failure to integrate and understand the intelligence that we already had.”
Philip Haney said Obama’s words destroyed the morale of the DHS and the rage toward the administration was deep, as there was a “bureaucratic effort to destroy actual intelligence gathered”.
Haney told WND host, Alex Jones, “We’ve done our job, but the administration literally, deliberately, and intentionally has refused to acknowledge the existence of this information.”
View the interview on the next page about Haney’s book See Something, Say Nothing, on the following page.
Congress sitting on their butts doing nothing to stop him until a war breaks out and then ask themselves what went wrong
He will regret that!!
By by$#%&!@* time for your flushing
Of course he is.
Obama has the democrats and all those on the left right where he wants them. They are so blind and refuse to see. But if they see they will never admit it. They would rather us die than them be wrong. I guess it will take some of their family members killed by these terrorist for them to start actually seeing the real truth
***America… No matter which political party , race, color, creed or sexual-orientation,…
“AMERICA is in REAL TROUBLE… YES’, We face a CLEAR and Present Danger…………
“Our Declaration of Independence, Our Constitution, and Our Bill of Rights,… and……..
Our “ONE NATION UNDER GOD”, is being USURPED and THREATENED by the ‘PRESENT’ 98% of the Democrat’s, and Several RINO’s,… AND… many ISLAMIC MUSLIM ‘s of The Muslim Brotherhood, now serving in the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial OFFICES of our Great Nation.
The DEMOCRAT’s, LEADER, Barack Hussein Obama, … Is engaging all of his education properties, of his, “Islamic Muslim Up-bring in Indonesia”, and Include the teachings of, “The CLOWARD-PIVEN STRATEGY,”.and “Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals.”…. that Obama, Studied and Learned in America,
Obama is very factually, since January 2009, but more pronounced and in a very devastating manner has Employed the bench marks of those teachings,… among all of The Democrat’s, and his followers.
America,… The President of Our United States of America, … JUST by his record of alias’s, eg…
“Barack Hussein Obama, aka-Barack Hussein Obama II, aka-Barry Soetoro, aka-Barack Hussein Obama-Sorbarkah, aka-Barry Obama, (not to mention the pestilential details of Obama’s , “SSN ?”),” Lends many QUESTIONS of his UP-RIGHTNESS and his TRUE American AUTHENTICITY,… but … more clearly and FACTUALLY, the “OBAMA, with surety and CERTAINTY, with Malice and Fore-thought”, has for SEVEN & ONE-HALF YEARS, (7 & 1/2+), “USURPED the Constitution , employed and deranged ADVERSE Presidential Qualities, using his Voice (SPEECHES), his Phone, and his Pen, to CREATE and AFFIRM his DETERMINATION of HATE and DIS-TRUST, for our Three (3), Branches of our government, and empirically form much of the DIVISION, DERISION, DISCONTENT and TYRANNIC DISPERSION’S of IMMENSE IMMORALITIES upon Security, Safety and Well-being of Our CITIZENRY and Our Great Nation.
The Clarity and PROOF, of all of the Obama ANTI-AMERICAN DEVIANCY’S are surely coming to Fruition… ” To Promote the proverbial delusion , To Champion the cause for, “America to Fall From With-in”, is materialistically EVIDENT, in the very recent DISCOMBOBULATION, on June 22, 2016, by the Democrats… TOTAL DIS-REGARD of ‘Robert’s Rules of Parliamentary Procedures, and the Rule of Law, on The FLOOR of The U.S. HOUSE of Representatives…. Behaved like we are a AUTHORITARIAN form of GOVERNMENT, Were-in, ironically, the DEMOCRAT’S, (MUCH like they did on Feb 10, 2010, in Passing The ACA (ObamaCare), Bill, with the Democrat’s… DISPLAYED they’re HARD-HEARTED, Socialist, Marxist, & Communistic , behavior, (And a somewhat like a bunch of defiant adolescent teenagers,’ that won’t get the keys to the family car), as they REFUSE to ascertain that America’s MAJOR problem… ARE NOT GUNS…
“America’s REAL PROBLEM is “, “Those whom CONVERT to and/or, The Obama, INVITATION TO, and the INFILTRATION,. (of and by UN-SECURE U.S. BORDERS), … of many males, under the age of 35, that ARE… RADICAL ISLAMIC Muslim TERRORIST’S”… Until that FACT is determined and acted upon by the Executive and Legislative Branches of Government, (or in November 8, 2016, ,. America VOTES to OUT the ANTI-AMERICAN DEMOCRATS & RINO’S)… an OLIGARCHY or AUTHORITARIAN GOVERNMENT, will ensue upon Our Great Nation, …and The Radical Islamic Muslim TERRORIST’S will …”AID and ASSIST”, to cause America to, “FALL FROM WITH-IN.”
*Robert David Hummel, Sfc, U.S.Army (Ret), Inverness Fl. is Liable & Accountable for the entirety of this post. I pray that God will continue to bless Our America,(undeserving as we presently are).
CIA Officer: Obama is a Muslim Agent with Brotherhood Ties to Take Down USA ⋆ Freedom Daily
Clare Lopez is a former CIA officer, and she is risking her professional career to…
I agree
Congress stand up for America….. where is your pride???+??+
It’s the truth and no one cares in Wash. DC
Why is bama allow to destroy American defences? Dont we have any law to stop the terrorist bama.