When it comes to illegal immigrants that will receive amnesty, Obama is making sure that the red carpet if fully rolled out. He is setting up 3 different lines where illegals can complain about agents who they feel might be violating the new rights as granted to them by Obama’s amnesty.
A memo released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection that reveals the hotlines asks illegal immigrants to “please tell us about your experience” if they feel they were treated “contrary to the new DHS enforcement priorities.”
Deport all the illegals & STOP wasting OUR tax dollars on them!
I cannot believe what these idiots are doing to our country!!!!!!!!
Time to start eliminating $#%&!@*s.
obama is set up to ( start a complaint line for isis terrorists or any mexican mafia to complain to the fbi regarding any mistreatment from out troops!!!! how crazy is this prez!!!
so how about a hotline for Americans to complain about this administration?
If there is A hotline for ILLEGALS it needs to be taken DOWN as they HAVE NO RIGHTS AT ALL IN THIS COUNTRY.
well we need a hot kine or two for the americans too !!!!its discrimanation against the americans not to have the same rights as the illegals on forien soil …..wheres our rights at Mr O ????
Enough is enough ! You Republicans that we voted in need to grow a pair and stop this lawless man called the president by way of not funding any attempt at making any illegals citizens automaticlly andImpeach him ! He has violated his oath of office and our cons$#%&!@*ution to many times without any republicans stoping him !
you dont want to hurt thoes democrap voters