When it comes to illegal immigrants that will receive amnesty, Obama is making sure that the red carpet if fully rolled out. He is setting up 3 different lines where illegals can complain about agents who they feel might be violating the new rights as granted to them by Obama’s amnesty.
A memo released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection that reveals the hotlines asks illegal immigrants to “please tell us about your experience” if they feel they were treated “contrary to the new DHS enforcement priorities.”
This administration is out to destroy all that was good in America!
they have no rights in this country
I can’t believe what I am hearing. When doesn’t the term illegal mean what it is suppose to mean. From what I hear Pres. Obama wants to give them amnesty and then return the taxes to them that they paid into the system. I for one want to know why the U.S. Government doesn’t want to hold them accountable for all the free medical treatment they receive along with the food stamps, wic and everything else our taxes pay into. Darn it, I had to pay my own health care fees and when my health care didn’t cover it, I had to come up with the money, take out a loan or start a loan. I just coundn’t say no speak english.
Maybe all Legal tax payers should start pressing their Congressman and Women to do something about these actions.
That’s stupid.
Gee can we complain about them? They are here in the U.S. if you watch closely they are the ones that are the criminals causing problems and not obeying laws. Just like the Obama’s.
time to shoot first
Screw the DHS HOTLINE, it should be Eliminated with BO !!
i agree, time to shoot first. we will open out borders only and if only all the other countrys do the same. all the borders have to be open in the whole world.
lets send them all to the white house and his house to live. have him pay for their up keep and stuff. and spread them out to all that support obamas stupid decisions.