When it comes to illegal immigrants that will receive amnesty, Obama is making sure that the red carpet if fully rolled out. He is setting up 3 different lines where illegals can complain about agents who they feel might be violating the new rights as granted to them by Obama’s amnesty.
A memo released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection that reveals the hotlines asks illegal immigrants to “please tell us about your experience” if they feel they were treated “contrary to the new DHS enforcement priorities.”
OVOMIT s dirty work.
Problem is…they have no rights
The illegals have to live through it to complain, don’t they?
This is getting plain rediculous! Law breakers squealing on lawmen.
do not fund obozo’s amnesty bull$#%&!@*, DHS hasn’t done a damn thing for American people, except have bombs blow in Boston, 9/11, the border, who is walking over no one knows
that’s why you sdhoot to kill
Illegals have no rights and should be sent back .
Nothing like having an illegal for president.
And unfortunately they’ll get a obama phone soon as they get here.
He needs to be stopped Who Will Act Now ?