When it comes to illegal immigrants that will receive amnesty, Obama is making sure that the red carpet if fully rolled out. He is setting up 3 different lines where illegals can complain about agents who they feel might be violating the new rights as granted to them by Obama’s amnesty.
A memo released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection that reveals the hotlines asks illegal immigrants to “please tell us about your experience” if they feel they were treated “contrary to the new DHS enforcement priorities.”
And there is a debate going on whether DHS will be re-funded for next year, anyway.
If I were a border patrol agent, I’d get me a lawn chair, pair of flip flops, galvanized bucket filled with ice & beer, a sun visor hat & sit back & wave to them as they drive on in. Isn’t that EXACTLY what Obama and Hoklder are ordering them to do?
this is crazy since when are illegal above the law and our Federal agents rights violated
stop these bs lawsuits
Everybody get these numbers and call these pricks day and night, make them sorry they have a number.
” Perfect example ” of why the dhs is not needed, they can’t even do their job of securing our Borders !!!
This person who pretends to be a President and the most lawless person in the White House plus I guess President and his MUSLIM buddies in office he put them in are not wearing jewelry during the month of Ramadan
be sure you blame the congress and house they are not doing their job. we need to replace them all.
Really is that all they have to do what a fricking joke!!