All News Pipeline recently received an email and audio from an attendee of a meeting where a DHS insider came to their town to give an instructional speech on preparedness, but it was in answer to a few questions by the attendees where he dropped a couple bombshells which will be explained on the next page.
Take a good long look at the next page and decide for yourself:
To bad
Martial law is coming.
i have a plan
Some consolation here,, “”the DHS worker explained that the distrust many Americans feel toward the government these days is, in fact, shared by many government employees. “”
Freedom cannot be contained only suppressed!
Jacob Haughney
PROOF Obama is Muslim Brotherhood, (click on “reply”)
DHS must go, they have far exceeded their authority and are now a threat to the American people.
They got this from Sadaam Hussein and Hussein Obama is planning to use it right here in America!!!!!