All News Pipeline recently received an email and audio from an attendee of a meeting where a DHS insider came to their town to give an instructional speech on preparedness, but it was in answer to a few questions by the attendees where he dropped a couple bombshells which will be explained on the next page.
Take a good long look at the next page and decide for yourself:
Joe Grizzanti
better wake americans
Martial law. —no. Elections–no guns —FEMA Containment camps–food rationing –use of the military to. control the masses–president. for life—-
Christina Brewer Lori Ferguson
We don’t want want martial law at all . We want Obama out if office. And trump in fast. To secure America at the very least .
That’s his plan
They will be slaughtered if they try for containment.
It’s almost sounds like a bunch of paranoids are making up a bunch of c**p that will never happen.
Taking honest eyes wide open look around, and look at foreign news not the media here
Thomas M Voelkening~
Yes, it does…BUT it’s the truth” and if you prepare but nothing like this happena? So what? No harm done. BUT if you DON’T prepare, and it does happen, then HOW will you protect your family and yourself??
You just won’t, and you will be filled with regret. Think about it.