U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), released 30,000 illegal immigrants with criminal records into American communities in 2014.
This is on top of the 36,000 criminal illegals it released in 2013.
“I am determined to continue to take every possible measure to ensure the public’s safety and the removal of dangerous criminals,” stated Sarah R. Saldana, the new director of ICE.
f*cking Ovomit
yea congress you do such a good job that I think we should give you the rest of your life off thanks again
Thanks ovomit
DHS is NOT doing its job doing this they are suppose to secure this country not add to the ILLEGAL problems we already have by releasing them back onto the streets! EVERY ILLEGAL should be thrown back across the mexican border or shot!
so, this is why the crime rate shot up so fast. the o is a Traitor to America.
COOL…More target practice
and they want our guns and force all to get vaccines. Yep got to love it.
25% of our population is in jail. We`re going to run out of room sooner or later.
Target practice time