When President George W. Bush announced that a new agency called the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was going to be created following the 9/11 Islamic terror bombing and destruction of the Twin Towers and the Pentagon in New York, the nation cheered. There was a sense that the government was finally going to do something that directly related to Islamic terrorism and illegal immigration that was threatening the peace and security of everyone within the United States borders. Little did anyone know that Democrats would turn it into a giant bureaucracy stuffed by overpaid union thugs who irritate citizens and spend a good deal of their time as an illegal alien taxi and resettlement service. We should have known better.
Since illegal immigration seems to be sanctioned by both the Democrats looking for new voters and establishment Republicans looking to provide their big business patrons with cheap labor, it only stands to reason that oversight and punishment for this dereliction of duty is not carried out by government unless non-government organizations shine a light on what is going on.
Illegal aliens, including criminals, taxied to Phoenix and released, page 2:
Where the hell is Doug Ducey?
More law less Obama at work.
THIS IS sick…….
and they rob , kill and do all kinds of bs and poor sheriff joe gets criticized when he does anything
Oh sheriff Joe will put them in line FAST!!!!
Funny story everyone person that isnt native is illegal good thing I am half black foot. Damn immigrants bitching about other immigrants
Quietly transporting illegal voters amassing their numbers
OBAMA’s is setting up a disaster for this country…….nobody is listening. He will go down in history as the biggest terrorist of this century. The cost will be tremendous to America. Wake up. They are all Odummers bootlickers!
The person who ok’d this transport should be fired on the spot. If the White House ordered it, they shoudl have said, “our stated mission does not allow us to do that!
They need removed and imprisonment for their crimes